Problem filling Commercial stocks

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by kittenPow, Feb 6, 2014.

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  1. kittenPow

    kittenPow User

    I keep trying to fill all my commercial building stocks after collecting rent. Nearly every time I hit the ++ button to fill all stock, it DECREASES the stock instead AND removes stock from my storage inventory. If I try again (because I thought I was doing something wrong at first), it often (but not always) does fill my stock (but again removes from inventory). So I am loosing inventory - it's just vanishing when my first (or sometimes also second) refill attempt fails. It just happened again. I tried to place 9 bread rolls into my bread Basket (with + this time - to bring 231 up to 240) and then it dropped my stock to 177 and removed bread from my storage!! It has happened with ALL the restaurants I have tried to re-stock.
  2. I'm getting the same thing - eg Vegetable stand needed 7 to make up to the maximum, pressed the ++ button which took 7 from stock but then the amount in the stand went down by 14.
  3. There have been some problems since the last downtime. One is what you are mentioning. People on other forums also reported it. It seems that they are working to fix it.
  4. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    We are aware of this issue and it is being addressed at this very moment.
  5. skb13

    skb13 User

    It is now fixed. The obvious point is that you wouldn't normally just use 9 bread rolls - you'd have used 72 (9*8). So it refilled the 9, but then worked out that you're still 63 short, so showed 177. In the grand scheme of things, you've not actually used more bread rolls than you would normally have done. Just for a brief moment it looked like wizardelo's dream had come true and we only need one roll, one donut and one beer to meet commercial needs! :D
  6. I thought exactly the same thing! :D:p;)
  7. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Issue has been resolved.
    If you encounter this again please post the details along with your user id so we can investigate your particular case.
  8. still cant make rolls and stuff or wood

    funny, now it works :)
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 6, 2014
  9. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Please do not hijack threads, your issue is unrelated to the original.

    The Dev team is looking into production to see if there is anything wrong. We will keep you informed.
  10. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I think this one is all fixed so will close.
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