Problem with Building Specialty

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by amaliagranata, Dec 3, 2013.

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  1. Hi PirateLee,

    I've noticed this problem some days ago, but I wanted to see if someone else has it. Nobody has reported anything so far.

    I've already upgraded some houses to level 4 and have always chosen the Building Specialty of 50% decrease in mood and energy. The houses display the correct numbers but the total mood loss and energy use in the city seem to be wrong.

    For example, I've just upgraded a Suburban Home:
    *) level 4: mood -16, energy -8
    *) after choosing the Building Specialty, the house displays: mood -8, energy: -4
    *) but the mood and energy bars show:
    - during construction: mood loos: 6834, energy use: 4343 (which was correct)
    - after construction and Building Specialty: mood loss: 6850, energy use: 4351 (wrong! shouldn't it be mood loss: 6842, energy use: 4347?)

    Could you check if this is correct or if it is a display issue?

    Thank you very much,
  2. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I was hoping that nobody would realize this before I could report it and get the devs to fix it.:rolleyes:

    What can I say our team here on the forum (wizz and Strider) have already flagged this and I posted a bug report as well as posting it in my weekly management report.

    We hope it will be fixed soon.:(
  3. Thanks for the reply. I thought I had lost the ability to count! :(:p:cool:
  4. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Nope your all good our coders on the other hand.....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
    Cresent likes this.
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