Problem with

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Spartacus56, Mar 18, 2018.

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  1. Problem with the Golden House
    Dear Mr. Linx,
    As playing - 59 level - I noticed that a problem appeared at the Golden House extended at the third level in the Snow Area. It seems that I could not be able to benefit of the Cheesemaker services because the game did not give me the permission to rise the Cheesemaker in that snow area, so I loose every time when I start working with the Golden House - 1000 City Credits.
    What do you think about this problem (it appeared to other players before?) and how may I solved it?
    Thank you very much for your anticipate support.
    Best regards. Spartacus56
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    The solution is to place the "All Guoda" and "Spexzle Town" at the extreme edge of the mountain area it will then cover the front edge of the snow area and you can place you Golden Linings Estates there. Be aware that there is a problem with moving the Golden Linings Estates at level 3 and above. When you move them the population totals for your city are added too. This is not a problem if you do not move them or store them.