Problems with visual display

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by greenchelonia, Dec 22, 2013.

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  1. I posted on another thread to confirm that the player was not the only one having issues and his PC probably wasn't the issue.

    I found more threads in the Tech Q's section. So I decided to open my own and explain what has happened and what is currently going on for me.

    First, I would like to say thank you to Pirate Lee. Since I joined this game you have been the only moderator I have seen in the question threads. So thank you for all of your hard work. I am assuming that this forum is similar to other BP forums, and you are not paid to moderate. Second, the actions of some players have been horrendous. Thank you Pirate Lee for maintaining your composure and continuing to help players. Third, I understand that it is Sunday in my area and techs are probably not available until tomorrow sometime. I would like to ask if you could pass on a request for an extension to the Winterfest event for the players whom are affected by the technical difficulties. Thank you. Finally, I understand that you (Pirate Lee) do not want to get up in the wee hours of the morning to answer posts. I do not blame you. The Farmerama forum has 5-6 moderators that handle the question threads and they are all available at different times. I commend you for handling this forum in what seems a shorthanded environment. Thank you for your dedication to this game and the players.

    Ok on to my concerns. This morning I started out not being able to get into the game. I was able to connect to the forum. So I had it open while I was troubleshooting on my end. When my game did finally load, I got an error on my forum page and could not access it for a few minutes. I did not actually do anything to get it to load. I was getting ready to follow the usual steps (clear cache, try different browsers, etc.) when the game loaded.

    The only issue I seem to be having now is a visual display glitch with the Winterfest event. It looks different and all of the individual steps have a green checkmark on them. Even the steps I haven't completed. The donation boxes are smaller and there is less showing than what I remember when it was working yesterday. I have not tried to troubleshoot this. I find myself lucky to actually have access to the game, and I am currently not willing to push my luck. ;)

    Hope this helps the techs when they do get here. Thank you for taking the time to read through this. Let me know if you have any other questions. If I do decide to try to troubleshoot it, I will edit this post.
    MI.Calgon likes this.
  2. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    What a lovely message, this is like getting a Christmas present early, thank you very much for your really nice comments.

    I just logged on as you to test your account and logged off very quickly as I see you are online.

    As soon as you are offline I will check everything for you however I can say we have some very odd problems occurring on many servers around the world.
    The team are working on fixing the problems but they are also very much down in numbers due to the Christmas period.

    I will try and keep everyone updated and also check you game as soon as you are offline.

    Best Regards Pirate.:D:D:D
    MI.Calgon likes this.
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I had your account on watch so was able to log in as soon as you went offline.

    I am happy to report that the ticks you see in the winter fest are fixed. It was just that the display was delayed in loading and you are up to the grape supply part. Having so many ticks when the screen is not loading fully over laped the last items not yet complete.

    This has now been resolved but it may still take a while for the screen to fully load next time you log on.

    This display slowness has no effect on your event so just keep going with it and good luck.:D:D:D
  4. Thank you for the quick response. Happy Holidays! I am not severely concerned. This is a time that most people spend with their families. I don't expect anyone to leave their family time to help me with a game. I can sit around and watch movies with my boyfriend, who also has nothing to do during the holidays, or do something else together.

    The issues are probably due to so many players logging on during holiday breaks. I'm sure the servers are just overloaded. Thanks for your help! You may close thread. I really had no questions. I just wanted to leave my issues in hopes that it would help pinpoint the reason to the glitch.
  5. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Thanks as always for your reply.

    Have a great Christmas.

    Regards Pirate.
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