Producer's Letter 01/2014

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by -Wizz-, Jan 30, 2014.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. I think I found a smart comunication solution. I hope it's ok for you mods if I reference here posts which I would like Mr Sephiroth to read, as it actually is losely related to the topic, but I didn't want to spam this thread with it. :)

    So, here it goes, Mr producer. When you come across I'd be pleased if you would take time to read links below. Thanks.

    Hopefully I'm not being too bold here with this type of arrangement. :)

    EDIT: OK, I remembered your claims about openness and that prompted me to step up in my boldness. :) I would really appreciate if you could read the posts regarding event timer and post your comments on the issue. I'd like to believe that indeed the whole issue somehow bypassed you being the unfortunate remnant of old system and that it in fact has nothing to do with your ideas of game progress at all. I'm also hoping that this mistake will be quickly corrected as the new timer format certainly goes against gamers satisfaction. Thanks for your attention.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2014
  2. Read and acknowledged good Sir ;)
  3. Well, not much feedback going on here from any side. It will soon be a month and a half since the first Producers letter, and what has changed? The development still goes on without players having a clue what's being worked on till the last minute, the devs still don't give any feedback concerning features like event timer or "nature" spawn rate which spoil the game and which players dislike. As far as I can tell the new producer has generally been roughly as "good" in comunication as all previous ones. I would think that this ongoing show of disrespect for gamers comunity finaly iritates even those players who normaly are polite, friendly and as helpful as possible. Will it ever change or are we up for yet another set of empty talk? Will anybody step out finally and change this rather unfriendly image of RC development team?
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2014
    juli1308 and TellusXIV like this.
  4. Bababandos

    Bababandos User

    I'm a bit dissappointed too. Okay, the team is fixing and developing things... but I think what is done and why still needs to be communicated more. As well as an outlook on what is going to be worked on, developed or added in the near future. Otherwise the community is left hanging as it has (almost) always been.
  5. maybe a supply of skyhooks could be supplied to us while were hanging around waiting
    wildheart50122 likes this.