Production Points

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by sierrajoneslove, Jun 28, 2016.

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  1. What can i do to earn production points I have two grocery stores and they take tomatoes to fill them and serve the people to gain production points well when i run out of tomatoes and have to produce more i use production points so it kinda defeats the purpose. Please help all suggestions are welcome.

  2. To produce production points for your city you will have to have workers in your houses and these need to be within the area that the vege stand services :)
  3. AussieMate

    AussieMate User

    I understand what youre saying but when you total the production points to grow the tomatoes, it is less than you collect in production points, so you get ahead a little each time
    My suggestion is to make sure you have plenty of farms and they are growing tomatoes so you never run out, and you will come ahead

    Cideous ID 9795332
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Another point you gain other items from using the fulfillment system. Addition experience points, more city credits, etc.
  5. nothing further here thread closed
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