Promotional Codes [Here]

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by skippyroo1980, Dec 9, 2013.

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  1. 39EXJ722
    Good luck
    captain123456 likes this.
  2. mjcryo

    mjcryo User

    What am I missing in how to use this bonus code? I get a "code not found".

    Addition: I tried searching on the old forum. This must be a promotion code that I mistook for a bonus code.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
    captain123456 likes this.
  3. I guess it's for first time buyer of MM, get some 10 % extra when code applied with purchase, if I remember it correctly.
    captain123456 likes this.
  4. mjcryo

    mjcryo User

    Being a starving student, it will be some time before I can afford to buy MM. But another thing learned about the game.
    captain123456 likes this.
  5. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    You get a code when you purchase the winter pack aswell.
    I'll PM you the next one I get if you're not swimming in PP/CC etc by then.
    captain123456 likes this.
  6. mjcryo

    mjcryo User

    Do these codes have an expiration on them? Or can I save the code you send for when I do have real cash to spend?
    captain123456 likes this.
  7. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    Never used them before, but I am 99.99999999999% sure that you don't have to use real cash to use them.
    Just put the code in the city treasure code please, and collect whatever they give you. Usually it's just PP, some CC, expressos, vitamins, etc. Nothing too exciting for the higher level peeps, but when you are starting out, they can be a nice boost.
    captain123456 and mjcryo like this.
  8. mjcryo

    mjcryo User

    Oh. Good to know. I thought they had to be used with a purchase. I'm adding you to my follow list MrMungo. You seem to know your stuff.
    captain123456 likes this.
  9. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    Oh, my very own virtual stalker!
    Sounds fun! :p
    captain123456 and wildheart50122 like this.
  10. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    There are two types of codes. (This is a promotion code.)

    You get a code when you buy MM and some packs, you cant use it you self. Called promotion code.
    Only one player can use it, so if you save it someone else may have used it.
    You can only use it when you buy MM for the first time, give +10%.

    Sometime, really seldom, BP hand out a bonus code. If they do you can read about it in OA. Often small stuff but still nice.
    captain123456 likes this.
  11. Now you got me confused. So did it work in City Treasury bonus code place without a purchase or not? :)
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
  12. You might need to reduce that number above. :) What you describe works for general codes. In this case, I think Tellus is correct as this has been discussed a couple of times on old forum.

    PS: To increase you fun I'm now following you too. :)
  13. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    Oops! That will teach me to try to converse at 2.03am!
    I actually recall reading that before but the whole thing is a bit confusing so my brain probably decided to reject it! ;)
    I've never used a code like that before (not for ages and ages at least), but I get 10%(ish) off any MM purchases
    captain123456 likes this.
  14. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Most likely you are getting this because you let BP save your info and that's give a 10% bonus, except on first buy.

    About that 2am thingy, oow been there :oops:
    Still remember when I gave NC some really "useful" ehum tips :rolleyes::eek:
    captain123456 and wildheart50122 like this.

    BROOHAHA! User

    You can get some off the rising cities facebook page too.

    :)ur welcum
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2014
    captain123456 likes this.
  16. minadaniel

    minadaniel User

    so i did buy MM and some packs and now i have the promotion code!am i supposed to give it to someone else?and if it is so,to who?and how someone else could use it?
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2014
    captain123456 likes this.
  17. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    You cant use it so yes you are supposed to give it away. You wont get anything from it whatsoever except maybe gratitude.
    To who? To anyone you want to including posting it on forum.

    Only the first that type in your code can use it then it become useless.
    He can only use it on his first ever MM buy, give +10%.
    He click on, City Treasury-Special-Bonus Code, then type the code.
    captain123456 likes this.
  18. minadaniel

    minadaniel User

    ok thanx for help,Voila T5EXCUH6 and B6N798XG enjoy it!
    captain123456 likes this.
  19. 1234sasu

    1234sasu User

    not work
    captain123456 likes this.
  20. The bonus code will only work for the first person who uses it.
    It's likely that someone has already used minadaniel's code.
    captain123456 likes this.
  21. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Also it will only work for your first ever buy of MM, sorry no free stuff.
    captain123456 likes this.
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