public transport

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by rabbitsfoot, May 3, 2014.

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  1. it would be helpfull
  2. McChicken

    McChicken User

    To transport goods between friends I think a harbour would be more logical.
  3. maybe we can have both for the green people and people who use coal power plants and nuclear
  4. i think having a train station and rails track and buss stops and bus staions would be amazing im up for that
  5. it be worth reccomending the train and buses on here and yes be more fun aswell and dont forget the garages for break downs
  6. all great ideas
  7. swifty40

    swifty40 User

    when are we going to see a train station on here we can build adn an airport we can also build it would be so nice to see this on the game and i know others want this aswell it would add more ecitment and make the game better i want them in the game but i was told to put it forward to updates and ideas
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