Quest deco already built...

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Flowerheir, Jul 19, 2016.

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  1. Flowerheir

    Flowerheir User

    I've got a quest asking me to build 5 fountains. Only thing is, I've already built loads of 'em and used all my permits, but it seems like they aren't counted for the quest. Shouldn't they be? It would seem a little bit silly to tear them down and build them again... :).

    Oh and by the way, the same goes for Build a Surfer Van (well, I still have permits left for that, but I have built one, and it seems like it should be counted for the quest).


    (id: Flowerheir)
  2. jelly999

    jelly999 User

    Flowerheir , they won't count that ones which you had built before the quest.

    But !but !but !!If you press the tools button ( at the left corner ) and then press the move button
    [use a move button on your fountains and for Surfer Van and then place then again (where you want )] then they will be counted.

    One more thing, I want to share is that if you had only one fountain, use move button on it and then place it , again move and place.Do it for five times so that it will be counted for five times.:D:D

    This is the advice that will be helpful as you go to the higher levels.

    "THANK YOU ":)
  3. Flowerheir

    Flowerheir User

    Thanks :).
    I had to move the fountain into the inventory before it worked though. And it still doesn't do anything for the Surfer Van (but that's an MM feature, so they might count that one differently).
  4. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    I believe this only works if you place the fountains and the surfer van in your inventory and then placce them back on the playing field
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Another point is some of the quests were designed before the creation of multiple play fields. So if you construct them in the expansion fields then the game does not recognize them. Just move the item into inventory and move it to the main play field. That should work.
  6. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thank you all for the great suggestions. Jelly999 (Joke999), BigWillim1, and Billyjim you where right on point. Flowerheir is there anything else? If the above advice does not fix the issue with the Surf Van. Fill out a support ticket and this will kick it up the chain faster.
  7. jelly999

    jelly999 User

    I'm happy that I helped someone.:):)

    Flowerheir , you're right,now I just remember that it doesn't work for is for no use to do so with the buildings.Unfortunately,you've to build a new Surfer Van to complete the quest.
  8. Flowerheir

    Flowerheir User

    Thanks, I've posted it for support now, you can close here.
  9. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    Well, a surfer van is free to build, so if you have another permit, build the surfer van, collect the reward and then demolish it
  10. Flowerheir

    Flowerheir User

    Thanks guys.

    Willem, my surfer vans say they cost 136MM a piece - am I mixing something up here?

    joke, I didn't see your message before. I wrote to support as lynx suggested, so we'll see if they'll mark the quest completed for me, or if they say I must buy another van.
  11. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    No, that means you don't have any permits left. You can buy another for 136MM (I wouldn't do that). That's a shame. Now you can't build it for free
  12. Flowerheir

    Flowerheir User

    It has the yellow background though - so far I've taken that to indicate that it's an MM-only object. But I'll admit I didn't notice what kind of currency I paid with, when I bought it on day 1 ;).

    Anyway, support were fast, and I just received a message saying that my reward has been released.
  13. Your reward is now completed and the reward waiting for collection :D
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