Quest productionpoints

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Sabrina_1985, Jan 10, 2019.

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  1. My quest says I have to get 3000 productionpoints but it never adds the productionpoints I get from houses or anything else, the quest stills at 0/3000 for days now!
  2. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    It is the "need income" and "rents" of the "workers" housing that will provide you with the necessary production points.
    To have "income of need" it is necessary that your houses workers are fed by a trade (grocer, chip shop etc.)
    Check everything and come back and say what it is !

    Ce sont les "revenus de besoin" et "loyers" des habitations "d'ouvriers" qui te fourniront les points de production nécessaires.
    Pour avoir des "revenus de besoin" il faut que tes habitations ouvrières soient alimentées par un commerce (épicerie, friterie etc)
    Vérifie tout celà et reviens dire ce qu'il en est !
    danda-vnovis likes this.
  3. MillerWrox

    MillerWrox User

    As guyjean1 says, you need to have the relevant commercial buildings near to your residential buildings and the commercial buildings must be stocked with whichever goods they supply.

    So for example, when you are quite new you only have buildings like the Small Prefab Home, the Suburban Home or the Modern Single-Family Home. Each of these needs to be close to a Vegetable Stand, which should be stocked with tomatoes. As you build bigger and better houses, you will need bigger and better commercial buildings to supply them and you'll get better income/production points/education points in return.

    This thread shows the commercial buildings that are required by the various residential buildings:

    and this one describes the commercial buildings themselves
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    guyjean1 and MillerWrox - Thank you for the excellent answer. You are starting to make me feel useless.

    Sabrina_1985 - I need some additional information are you talking about a specific residence, what type of residence, location in the city. etc. The more information you can give us then we can look at the specific structure and see the issue. Also please give us your game ID #
  5. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    This is certainly not the objective but when I can to help, as do ;)

    Ce n'est surtout pas l'objectif mais quand je peux rendre service, autant le faire ;)
    s.c.lynx likes this.
  6. Hi,

    My ID is 10203654
    I have all the stores and houses and when I click on them I get thegloves who are adding to my productionpoints but in my quest it doesn't add any productionpointsand I have this quest for quite a long time!
  7. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    It seems that this is a small "bug" that only @ s.c.lynx can solve, it will iron very quickly you solve this little problem ;)

    Il semblerait que ce soit un petit "bug" que seul @s.c.lynx puisse résoudre, il va repasser très vite te régler ce petit problème
  8. OK now I got it, I didn't know and read it right that the stores need to be next to the houses so it is solved.
    Sorry my mistakes but quiet new in this game!
    Rosomack and MillerWrox like this.
  9. MillerWrox

    MillerWrox User

    @s.c.lynx: I can't imagine you'll ever be useless (-:
    @Sabrina_1985: I don't think anyone should ever apologise for being new, we all were once (-:
    Rosomack and Sabrina_1985 like this.
  10. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    @Sabrina_1985: I don't think anyone should ever apologise for being new, we all were once (-:[/QUOTE]

    I second that sentiment completely. If you do not know something please ask. We are here to help.