Question For Marketplace Patrons

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by EddieT, Jul 19, 2017.

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  1. EddieT

    EddieT User

    Yesterday (7-18-2017) I returned to the game for the first time after being absent for roughly 4 months.

    I noticed some eye-opening changes in the marketplace.

    Raspberries are fetching an appalling top selling price of 44 coins per unit (down from an average of 200 coins per unit 4 months ago).
    Rolls are fetching an appalling top selling price of 84 coins per unit (down from an average of 400 coins per unit 4 months ago).
    Beams are fetching an appalling top selling price 180 coins per unit (down from an average price of 750 coins per unit 4 months ago).

    What the heck happened?

    Did the game developers alter the marketplace prices for these items, or did a player (or players) flood the marketplace and force the price down to Great Depression levels?

    Any thoughts from those of you using the marketplace for the last 4 months?
  2. Elco

    Elco User

    Rumour has it that several players are leaving the game and are dumping their unused items, for others to grab.

    True or not, I've no mean to check how many players are actively playing but that suggestion I've seen in the forums, does make sense.
  3. Kankalin

    Kankalin User

    Maybe this is the end of the game.
  4. On the positive side - the cheaper prices are great for those wanting to purchase!
    Elco likes this.
  5. ziadelali

    ziadelali User

    it's amazing