Feedback RallyPost July 2016

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by Artisan, Jun 22, 2016.

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  1. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Dear Mayors,

    We are asking for for your feedback about The contest RallyPost July 2016.

    Thank you in advance for your opinion!


  2. just a general question...

    as I know the EN-forum is the only one what organises such contests. Other forums don't even know that it exists. why do you not informate other communities about the RallyPost. is it because the Englisch users wouldn't have that great chance to win, if there were users from other forums, too or because you want to keep all the not-English-users, that would come, away from here?
    I know, that many players would rejoice, if they had a chance to get a premium-building

    for example you could informate the moderators of each forum and they can translate it to their languages and then post in their forums about it. I have checked the old RallyPost (May) and there some needed 3 weeks for the 150 messages and still have won... it wouln't make it worse if it was harder .... it would only give others a chance for a modern apartment tower.

    I also don't think, that it is possible for each forum to make a RallyPost,
  3. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Dear Ultraschall,

    We have already explained this issue once,but we will try to explain it once again.
    Every forum is independent and their ICMs can do as they wish.
    The RallyPost is actually my idea and it's not only been used in this forum (maybe you didn't look carefully into all forums)
    No one is excluded from playing on our forum, all users are welcome, no matter their nationality, as long as english is spoken by users - this is a rule for every community forum, not only for EN.
    Each community is free to choose what to do on their forum and don't forget that in many forums we don't have volunteers enough that want to take part on the moderating team and believe me, it gives a lot of work to organize everything it is so true that I am not English or a native English speaker and I am helping in this forum due to the lack of volunteers of native english speakers.

    Have a wonderful day and thank you for your opinion/question.
  4. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    Hi Ultraschall,
    The most participants of the last contest weren't British.
    Big Willem, Noord Brabant and I are from the Netherlands,
    Zanthia is from Italy
    Skippy and Jello are from Australia.
    So there weren't any British participants :)
    Jello, Ultraschall and Artisan like this.
  5. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Just to clarify the English Forum is for English speaking people all over the world not just England, Britian, of United Kingdom, etc.
    So as long as you communicate in English it does not matter where you are from or which language is your native tongue.

    So come on in and play with the rest of us.

    Thank you Moderators and the games you have been coming up with.
    Zantia1, Ultraschall and anoukjoris like this.
  7. Absolutely Billyjim, the more the merrier ​

    Ultraschall likes this.
  8. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    My thoughts too :)
    Ultraschall likes this.
  9. wow :D then there are at least 8 not English native speaking participants this RallyPost and nearly all are not British :rolleyes:
    anoukjoris likes this.
  10. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    Couldn't you tell when you read my grammar :D
    Zantia1, Jello and Ultraschall like this.
  11. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    We must be the most international forum then!!:D:D
    Ultraschall and anoukjoris like this.
  12. G`day Mayors, over the past month or so we have made a lot of new friends in our forum I would like to personally welcome them and look forward to their continued participation in the many areas and games that we have here.
    It is amazing what the internet has done for gaming in recent times, here we have no borders, ethnicity and were non religious or political Our only rules are that English is the only format and were all happy people treating each other as we would like to be treated
    After all were here to help each other build out cities.
  13. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Well said Tassie-devil. Come on Ladies and Gentlemen we love being with you all and enjoy your company. So join in!
    Ultraschall likes this.
  14. EddieT

    EddieT User

    I'll add to the international flavor: USA here (but you probably knew that by the way I spelled "flavor").
    Love the game.
    Some great game concepts, especially upgrading buildings. Wish I could upgrade power plants. Also wish I could add enhancements to farms, mills, brickyards, etc., like I can to residentials. It would be nice to cut some time off, have it cost less, or increase production output.

    ID: 9778764
    Ultraschall and anoukjoris like this.
  15. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Hello Mayors,

    Don't forget that this thread is for feedback only!:)
  16. Cotewa

    Cotewa User

    I'm German, but living in Glasgow at moment. For me it's the first time to participate in the rally. I like it so far, but I still need to find out how to add images to my postings.
  17. jelly999

    jelly999 User

    Oo ! it's very easy.Firstly, you've to right click on the image in google .There will be an option "copy".So copy an image and paste to your postings.:)

    It's my first time too to participate in the rally.But I'm a little bit confused:confused::confused: because the challenge is to do 150 posts in "Speaker's Corner".They asked us to told them when we've done.
    I've done posts in other sections too (beginner's guide and others).Is this means that I've to count my posts which I did in speaker's corner ??o_O:oops:
    Actually !! the no. of posts we did are written there in our profile so it's easy to see there (when I reached the required posts) instead of counting my posts in Speaker's corner.
    Can anybody tell me about that??o_O
  18. if you tell them now, you won't get rewards. As I understand, all users, who finish the 150 posts in the first week, don't get rewards...
  19. Cotewa

    Cotewa User

    Thank you, jelly999. It managed to add some images to my postings. :)
  20. Cotewa

    Cotewa User

    Will there be no Rally Post September?