Ranch not showing available

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by BrianSmith, Jul 25, 2016.

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  1. BrianSmith

    BrianSmith User

    Hello, I am at level 40 and I am not seeing the Ranch on any of the pages in the Designer Depot. Can someone please remedy this matter?

    Brian Smith
    ID 9655242
  2. BoTo0

    BoTo0 User

    Have you build all available(3)? If you have then it disappears - you can't place more production buildings than the max. allowed.
  3. Thanks BoTo0 for your answer :)
    Has this been of help to you Brian?;)
  4. BrianSmith

    BrianSmith User

    I have not built one ranch yet. As I stated it does not show on any page of the Designer Depot.
  5. G`day Brian,
    Can you please log out of your account for 10 minutes so that we can fix your problem please, as while your online nothing can be done:)
    Please advise us when you have logged out thankyou
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
  6. ^E3C3500A3B5D3727EAB72A29415FA68E804276E44ADF7BFE9F^tfile_urlpv.png

    You have Already built the three ranches that are available
  7. BrianSmith

    BrianSmith User

    My apologies sir. I don't know how I could have missed them like that.
  8. were all good Brian, were always happy to help nice players :D
    Thread closed
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