RE: Castle Carlson Fix

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Arsuru, Oct 9, 2015.

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  1. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Is this really fixed? I thought the problem was the footprint orientation (which, once fixed the first time, caused problems, which I'd anticipated), but in fact, it has not changed. It appears they've merely rotated the art to fit the incorrect footprint because they could not, in fact, fix the orientation. The icon in the DD, with the original orientation, is arguably better-looking as well.

    I wouldn't think it impossible to write a script or simple program to scan all cities for the castle and either force a demolition or move it to a temporary, remove-only inventory, such as what you'll find in some games when special items are given, so that players can make space for the new items in their personal inventory.

    I don't know how easily that can be done here, but it shouldn't be impossible. The exact addresses of the items, map coordinates, and inventory spaces should be known or ascertainable, and it shouldn't be out of the question to manipulate them in such a way. It's the most natural way to handle such a bug in my opinion, and a remove-only inventory may be useful in the future. Hex editors can get you through just about anything, if need be. Worst case, revert fix, manually delete, then reapply the fix. Sometimes you just have to get down-and-dirty with these things.

    It's nice to have some kind of fix, but it's really a shame about the orientation. But now we obviously know that we ought to be able to rotate, so perhaps we can decide that for ourselves in the future. ;)
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2015
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