Remembering the "good old days".

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by billyjim, Jul 25, 2015.

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  1. billyjim

    billyjim User

    i keep reading about people saying how great things were in "the good old days". I remember them well I have been around for over three years. The forum was a great deal busier and there were some wonderful people posting all the time who have gone on to other things.


    I remember the game had a tendency to crash at least once a week;
    Cache problems existed daily;
    We only got three MM's for watching a video at the cineplex and we only had a maximum of three videos;
    We would sell things in the marketplace and never get the cc's for them;
    Game lag was unbelievable sometimes, it could take up to a day for a transaction to take place;
    Half the comments on the forum were requests to have issues solved;
    The missing building problems, buildings would just vanish never to be seen again;
    Upgrading a residence would never complete occured about once every twenty times.

    This is what I remember about the "good old days", we have come so far and still have a way to go. But we are better over all, In my opinion.

    So let's hear what are your memories of those times.
  2. Yes the good old days, :D:D
    I also have been around for app 3 years,
    I remember when after an emergency happened you had to repair the buildings with lumber or beams, and when at level 8 or so it could take nearly everything of these two items that you produced.
    Also back in the good old days there were only 30 plots in one play field and xp levels went to 35.
    That seems so long ago;)
    MillerWrox likes this.
  3. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    Sure, there were bugs and problems, but also remember: Consulting on the best way to arrange houses to maximize needs and rewards. Deciding on the best way to arrange houses and ornaments to create a nice look. Posting a humorous or creative picture hoping others liked it. Desperately trying to finish that event so you could score the Halloween Mansion. Actually being able to buy lumber in the market. Trying to beat the prices for bricks somehow.

    All the while reading other's posts about how they were doing and commenting on their latest triumph.
    anoukjoris and nervo82 like this.
  4. Do you remember the landscape surrounding the city? Before adding the fog, there were quite a landscape. Here is a pic from my city's old days:


    The original image was larger, but, when i made the print-screen, I focused only on the city, not the surrounding.
    You can also see the old trees, rocks and vegetation.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2015
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Skippyroo1980, Hipshot, Daniel123492 Thanks for the memories does anyone else have memories from long ago? I especially like the lake, Daniel. That would have been a cool feature to have had. To bad it got filled in for the Suburbs. But I am glad they upgraded the bridge to Seashore.
    daniel23492 likes this.
  6. Thanks for the screen shot Daniel i had forgotten about that i seem to think the cloud arrived shortly after i started playing, i do remember the bridge, and wondered what it was for. :D
    A big thanks billy for thinking of posting this topic also :):)
    daniel23492 likes this.
  7. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Ah, the good old days, when the lumber industry was booming! Real wood is too expensive now, so we have all these over-priced particle board products that can't even take a good beating. But how else can you supply all those people with their consumerist desires? They can't even afford to feed themselves well, so I'm sure they are happy to have any shelter or furniture.

    I agree, most things have gotten better in the game, but that remains the biggest blunder BP has made to date. Some might argue it was removing X-Presso.

    By time I arrived, the main and only field was already expanded and that nice, original landscape was replaced with the more cartoony but arguably more congruous current one. Emergency damage was gone, but RIs still had negative numbers to counter the positive ones. Most people hated it, but I still don't think that was a bad idea, or the emergency damages, but I don't see those coming back. Roads were limited in number, which was a real pain. We had to use precious medals — that required twice as many for boosters at that — to upgrade our emergency buildings as well. That was an arduous affair and made the whole system seem even less-rewarding. Skill points for specialists were random. Boulders took three clicks and one hour to clear, accelerating us all down the road to repetitive stress injuries. That really was one of the best improvements. That's the kind of thing you recount to unappreciative younguns that don't realize how good they have it. :p

    And very importantly, there was no MM confirmation. What a fight that was, and it's still not even on by default…

    We tend to remember negative things better, but I only complain because I like the game. It's definitely better now than before for the most part, though there is definitely room for further improvement, so I'll continue to complain.
    anoukjoris and daniel23492 like this.
  8. billyjim

    billyjim User

    The only way things can get better is if we complain. If we did not complain we would still be roaming the savanaha of East Africa. :) I did not know how to describe the boulder pick up concisely. Thanks Arsuru. I remember saving up MM's and accidentally clicking on something else and having it charged against my account. MM confirmation was a great improvement.
    anoukjoris likes this.
  9. That was the same for the street drops in events, once they were changed from one hour to ten seconds each the events became so much easier to manage and keep track of the numbers required to complete that level:D
    anoukjoris likes this.
  10. nervo82

    nervo82 User

    I remember the last time a new event was introduced, april 2014 it seems [shakes head disconsolately].
    anoukjoris likes this.
  11. billyjim

    billyjim User

    That is so true. We can hope eternally. Maybe a revamping of the birthday event will happen. We can dream
  12. MisterN68

    MisterN68 User

    Count me 2 those who misses the X-presso. When i got my access to Coast/Island playfield i bought 1st all the water plots to get my hands on the barrells, which at that time gave x-presso instead of vitamin X. MMs have now replaced x-presso, generally its good, but in the case of rent clock, u cant half the rent-time anymore (now it is "zeroed" when using MM) as was the case with xpresso (if my memory serves my correctly).

    anoukjoris and ghellinga like this.