Rent Collector - for high level players

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by dave7000, Jun 28, 2014.

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  1. dave7000

    dave7000 User

    I think anyone who plays the game a lot grows tired of clicking every residential property for taxes. As the game progresses it would be considerate to give players over level 40 a Rent collector for a month at 300 MM. It's too time consuming to keep clicking properties.

    It's not feasible to think people will stay interested beyond that paying 1000 MM a month. I could imagine maybe paying 300MM.

    This would keep me interested in upgrading and improving the city. However i am not keen on the chore of clicking and clicking day in and day out. After level 40 i have put the work and time in and we should be rewarded with a Rent Collector at 300MM it is also another incentive for players to reach level 40. How many players just quit around level 37, I would say that is a high quitting point.
    Tamy and tpaintdoc05 like this.
  2. MisterN68

    MisterN68 User

    300MM /month = 10MM / day, not bad, i second that sum.
    Id like that the collector works automatically and also at times when player is not logged in (asking 2 much?)
    (Player must him/herself see that stocks of commercial buildings r full)
    tpaintdoc05 likes this.
  3. As this is a idea so transferring this post to updates and ideas
    Happy gaming
    jcsiii20 likes this.
  4. I'm level 47. Yes, maybe it is a little boring..but still, I won't pay 1000 MM just to collect rent while I'm online.

    Well, if you want it to work when you're offline, then 300 MM is way to little.
    In this case, maybe I would pay about 700-800 MM per month.
    jcsiii20 likes this.
  5. dave7000

    dave7000 User

    I agree, but i would expect an automatic collection (offline) like that is an unfair advantage and beside you would have so much credit you wouldn't know what to do with it. Daniel your level 47 is there much further to go? Do you need an income at those levels - I am guessing things get very very expensive at that level, and if i could afford a rent collector say for 300mm i would play the game but at level 46 at those high prices i would need to constantly collect credits and i know i would rather quit the game then have to do this mind numbingly boring chore where the credits i get are also not that high compared to say selling 1000 tiles.
  6. Not necessarily an unfair advantage, but I don't think this will be implement because then we won't log in too much...

    Of course the higher the level reached, the higher are the prices for building upgrade let's say.
    It also depends on how many buildings you have.
    Naturally, more playfields means more space, and more buildings (If you have enough CC and materials).
    For example, I have a little over 300 residential buildings on all 4 playfields.
  7. Tamy

    Tamy User

    I like the original idea a lot, and should think there is important feedback here for the developers. I would not dream of buying the month-long rent collector as it is now priced, but would probably do it for 300 MM. So the message is: this is a good product, and there is demand for it, but the price has to be lowered.
  8. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    An alternative that may please BP more.
    200MM/30d for level 1-29.
    +100MM for each even 10 level after that (30,40,50,60,70). Cap it at 800 right from start as its only a mater of time before the lvl cap increase.
    If the pricing feel of insert your own numbers.

    Good things for BP.
    Much better changes to catch low level player which only have a few residential.
    More players using it equal more getting hooked.
    Players nearing even 10 levels will feel like "Oh I most extend so I save 100MM".

    Good things for players.
    Lower cost, doh.
    A lot less clicking will extend the games lifespan for those that get bothered by that. Should be good for BP to.
  9. With the simplest "Clicker" and the rent collector, you'll be rich everyday, but you need to leave the computer on.
  10. At present, the Rent Collector costs 999 MM for 30 days

    30 MM each day from Cineplex (assuming you're lucky and only one doesn't work) = 900 MM

    99 MM from elsewhere, quests, events, booster packs, etc.

    For me, as a Level 26 player who has never spent any real money in the game, this is sustainable.
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