Rent ready shows resident + double click for info popup

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Supernova, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Supernova

    Supernova User

    Rent ready icon showing resident of the house
    It would be handy to see what residents are in the housing that has rent ready.


    Some events require drops from different residents in sequential event levels. I find it a waste to collect rent from certain residents in current level, when I know I will need their drop right away in the next level.

    I know hovering over a building does that, but... One, it is not handy to wait with each of the 200+ buildings. Two, you could then extend the hover time before the info popup appears, since as it is, it is there constantly and interferes with any action in the city (which had been complained about a few times already).

    Building info popup requires double click
    It would be helpful if opening a building info popup would require a double click.

    Those of us who don't want to use MMs for one-click rent collection, usually speed click houses to collect rent. Sometimes this entails clicking a house - the rent of which was just collected - for the second time. This opens the house info, which requires extra click (and time) to click away. If single click did nothing, it would all save us a lot of time (and frustration).
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2014
    buzzo1 likes this.
  2. Tamy

    Tamy User

    I find the first idea -- show resident type on rend ready icon -- great. Not only handy for events, but also as a clear overview for the population composition in the city. This would give us far more information than the numerical distribution we currently get in the population menu.

    I am less enthusiastic about the second idea. True, we often double click by mistake, but this is less bothersome than having to click each house twice to collect rent. The way I see it, now you need to click most houses once when you collect rent, and maybe click a few (which you opened by mistake) twice. If this idea is implemented, you will have to click all houses twice -- so where is the gain?
  3. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    great first idea!!! i would really love to see population distribution as well as for events.

    second.. not so much, more clicking sux :)
  4. I think you got it wrong. He's suggesting double click for openning the house dialog window, not for rent collecting. But still I wouldn't support that idea either.
  5. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    oh tnx, i read wrong, but i wonder how will system recognise 1 click from double click.. still dont like the 2nd idea.
  6. weisteizen

    weisteizen User

    I like the fist idea but dont have comment for second.sorry i know my english bad:(:(
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I like the first idea also. It would be nice to have when collecting for an event. Any time we can get more information available at a glance is an improvement.
  8. Supernova

    Supernova User

    Thank you, nortoncommander, that is indeed what I meant:
    • collect rent - 1 click,
    • open residential building info window - 2 clicks.
    I have found I only ever so rarely open the residential building info window - only when I want to:
    • upgrade a house (which is not often),
    • change residents (which is less often), or
    • add house improvements (the least often).
    Instead, it keeps opening a lot while I am speed-clicking to collect rent and I need to keep clicking it away.

    So I would like to hear the downside the rest of you see to double click opening the house information window.

    Thank you all for the support of the first idea.
  9. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Two excellent ideas.
    Residents on the rent coin will be very helpful in events and informative otherwise.
    Double clicking for residential building info window would be really good. The more my city grove the more irritating this problem becomes.
    Got my vote on both.
  10. Downside is two clicks instead of one, obviously. Not a big deal though. Both arrangements have it's value. I for one don't struggle much with those accidental house opennings as I got used to the speed needed to avoid it. For two I probably go inside the house more then you (can imagine heavy RI users to go there even more then I do). For 3: After being around for a while I'm a lot more sceptical about devs taking on board what we post here so it doesn't make much difference what I support or don't support. Most of the time, I believe, they don't know and dont care. Results: I don't see a big need for the change, on the other hand have no problem if that happens. It's really a minor difference.
  11. Supernova

    Supernova User

    I was not asking for support, but rather wished to know what I was overlooking with the double click suggestion. So thank you for your thoughts, nortoncommander, I respect people having own opinion and respect them sharing it.

    As for the changes being implemented or not, BP does listen. Maybe not with the speed and/or to the extent we would like, maybe some changes have somewhat unfortunate execution. But this game has improved a lot since it saw the printed circuit board for the first time, and I'd like to think us players do contribute to that, as well.

    Happy gaming. :cool:
  12. Chickadee

    Chickadee User

    Both are very good ideas; it would help enormously with knowing which house had whom in it. Also, it is irritating that the houses open when fast-clicking, more especially since they changed the closure from space bar to having to hit the 'x'.

    I disagree with Nortoncommander, that the dev's don't take notice; I've been around BP games quite a number of years, in one form or another - and they do 'take notice', it's the implementation of everything players want that they don't do.

    I, do though, entirely agree with his comment:
  13. I must have joined a party of joker optimists. :)

    I can't tell what BP does in all their other games as I don't play them. It's RC team I'm talking about. It's rather evident that they do what they want, not what players ask for. Proven on number of occasions which has been discussed and followed on forums, that they don't really care about what we say. They do what they want, often without any notice, often exactly the oposite to what players want, and when players complain they often don't even bother to offer a reasonable explanation and just ingore our comments. I wonder where you were all these months. I suppose you read forums once in a blue moon or completely absent minded. :)

    I'm not saying it's wrong. It's their game and they have all the rights to do as they please.

    Errrrmmm ........... just how do you know they take notice, when they never acknowledge that? Is it blind faith? :)

    Anyway, keep your optimism guys while the game is being developed contrary to what you asked for. :cool: :D :cool:
  14. Alyzea

    Alyzea User

    I have a silly well not really but curious ...Why add neighbors in RC if we cant actually help one another out...Some of the events seem as though would be easier to obtain if we could actually win pieces of required goods while helping others on their city maybe gain tarts while visiting someone...that sort of thing....or can we and I'm still in duh mode on figuring it out :s
  15. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    Once they had aspirations of being a facebook game; complete with gifts, neighbors, friends, etc.

    And, Norton is in a sour mood (justifiably), but they do listen to us to some degree. We can't turn off the emergency system, but we can move the buildings into storage. We didn't like clicking three times to remove items from the streets during events, they fixed that. People complained about the game getting boring, they created events, and the emergency system. People complained about not having enough Diners, they became prizes in events, same with the bakery, and a couple of times with the lumber mill. People complained about not having enough power, the coal plant became a prize in events. We complained about expresso barrels not happening, expresso showed up in the last event. People wanted to improve the residences by adding things like solar panels to them. Suddenly we have improvements that can be added to the houses. People complained about the improvements being as bad as they are good. They removed the negative aspects of the improvements so they are only a positive thing. People complained about how hard it was to 'earn' MM, then cash for action came around, and later the cinema. Folk wanted another level to the houses to bump population and get a different look, along came the mastery and level 4 for buildings. People got tired of the selection of mystery buildings, along came season 2 and then season three of the mystery buildings. There were many complaints about not having enough road of a particular type for the look of their city, roads are unlimited now.

    The management and development team have done a literal ton of changes to the game to respond to various complaints and wishes. Some of the problem is that they come along too slowly for gamers. It probably took eight months for an answer to the problems the emergency system created. Remember when it first came up, it could cost you 30 bricks to fix a building broken by the emergency. Imagine how that would go over now with the price of bricks. Now, it's just a minor annoyance. Lowering the drop rate of bushes, trees, driftwood, and barrels would not have been a problem if they had made the 'one click' change before people got used to having expresso barrels every day to help out.

    I have seen a tremendous improvement in the game over months of time. The problem is that they can't seem to get it right the first couple of times. Each change introduces a bunch of bugs that have to be worked through before it settles down to working reasonably. This last change to 'one click' caused a ton of people to have challenges that couldn't be completed because the button disappeared. That kind of thing accompanies every change.

    I only oppose change because I don't want to wait out the bugs that always follow something new in the game.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2014
    Bababandos likes this.
  16. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Hipshot has made some very valid points. The biggest issue I have with the development crew is that they have weak communication skills. They are trying to improve this but they are not making enough or complete information available to us. The team needs a conduit for information to go to the players and back to the developers. The forum could be this. It would require active participation on all sides. This would be radical and require giving up control something people in charge seldom do. So we will have to see what comes in the future.

    To Nortoncommander come over try our side for a while. The optimists of the world unite. We do see the glass as half full.
  17. It may surprise you but I'm probably the biggest optimist of you all. :) I just decided to come down to reality in this case as I am deeply aware things are a whole lot different then I thought at first. Facing reality can be fun too. Being optimist doesn't mean denying facts. And the facts are .......... well, we know that: Company comes first, we come ...... not sure if second or third, maybe fourth?. :D :p :D

    Concerning communication skills, I actualy have no idea what can be rightfully expected in game environment like this as I'm by no means an experienced gamer. I just happened to get involved in forums by accident. :) :) Their job is coding, some others promote the game and take care of legal stuff. Pirate does excellent job as tech support, Wizz is creating absolutely superb FAQ. And we even have a space to buzz around and freely criticize what they are doing. :) What else can we expect? I was waaaaaaay tooooo optimistic and now I'm just putting myself in place. Most of my disapoitment with the team comes just from my very high proffesional expectations. Time to relax. I know they don't care and I'm quite happy with that as I came to understand why they don't. :) Isn't that optimistic enough? :cool: :rolleyes: :cool:
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2014
  18. Supernova

    Supernova User

    I agree, Hipshot has made a comprehensive list of improvements that were implemented over the past years. Including the bugs, changes indeed brought along. :D The list speaks for itself, for those who are willing to see (not just read) it.

    Maybe posting in Forums once in a blue moon (which says nothing about the frequency of reading them) is wiser than spending too much time in them - takes one away from playing the game and makes them not notice the improvements that were/are implemented.


    May I point out, this is a thread in Update & Idea Pool, not What is Your Opinion About Developers and what they (don't) do. I appreciate your views, but this is not the place for the discussions this thread is turning into… and a lot of other suggestions threads, for that matter.

    Thank you all for your contributions and opinions, much appreciated! Shall my suggestions be passed on and implemented, or give developers ideas for further improvements, remains to be seen. Either way I will not lose sleep over it, after all it is just a game.

    If someone could break Forum rules so this thread gets closed down, I would appreciate it. :p

    Happy gaming! :cool:
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2014
  19. Just a small note: Most of the changes listed can easily be understood as a part of game development, not direct reaction to players comments. The way they are implemented clearly speaks for this view. So it is about what one is "willing" to "see". :) (Skipping details for obvious reason.)

    Anyway, apologies for messing up your thread. It was a nice debate though. Happy gaming. :D
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2014
  20. Supernova

    Supernova User

    An even smaller note: I doubt developers would make changes to the game only to change these again, a few days/weeks later. Those happened due to players' complaints.

    A graceful apology accepted with equal grace.
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