Rent ready shows resident + double click for info popup

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Supernova, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. :D :D They sure would. :) Just open your eyes and put your doubts aside. :D :D :D Shall we continue the debate somewhere else? :) Nah, just kidding.

    Thanks for being graceful to my prolific typing. I realy appreciate that.
  2. Tamy

    Tamy User

    I do not think anyone criticizes the communication skills of the moderators. First, they are very communicative, and second, they are just players like us, who volunteer to help around.
    I think it is the communication between the development/producing team of the game and the players that should improve. The moderators are only a channel, and cannot give us better information then they receive. I do see efforts on the side of the producer/developers to inform us. Sadly, as Hipshot observed, these efforts are often frustrated by slow response and by cumbersome professional jargon (I still do not understand what the "game economy" is supposed to mean:p). This indicates that there are no communication experts working in the team. This also means that while they do try to respond to players wishes, this response cannot be timely, and there is a good chance they will not fully understand what it is that the players wish for.
    I do not believe any reasonable game development company could adopt a deliberate policy of frustrating the players. What I see is simply lack of resources applied to communication with players. So in a way, I may be less optimistic than Norton -- because the miscommunication is inbuilt to the system, and will stay there unless Big Point will do something about it. On the other hand, why should we really care? We are here to play, and to exchange ideas with each other. If at the end of the day RC will adopt some of these ideas it would be great. If not, we still did not lose anything, right?
    nortoncommander likes this.
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Supernova, sorry we got a bit heady and personal. Back on topic. We were asked if we could find any issues with resident icon along with rent is due coin. I like the idea. Having just updated my monitor (new larger one) would have no problem. But, if playing the game on a small screen would be very cluttered screen and confusing. Not a deal breaker as I see it. A consideration. One click, two click would make a minor difference to most players in my opinion.
  4. Supernova

    Supernova User

    I don't think that's what billyjim had in mind, Tamy. I think the message (s)he tried to convey was that the developers often don't make the information available for the moderators soon enough, so they could convey it to players. As a former Mod in a totally different fairy-tale, I would have to agree, that often is the case, indeed.

    As for your observation billyjim, I agree - it is more difficult to see the residents icons with a smaller resolution screen (I use two computers, with different resolutions, so was able to compare). However, I doubt developers are developing this game with certain hardware in mind; I think it is more of a one-suits-all thing.

    So, albeit the icons being more difficult to see for some, these players would not be disadvantaged - they would simply be in the same position as they are now (i.e., not seeing the residents). I suspect though, there are players with higher screen resolution - these could gain from the resident icons.

    Bottom line, nobody is deprived of anything, but some could gain something.

    As a side note… The picture I posted was a suggestion only (a picture speaks a 1000 words). Implementation could be different, something that would also be seen with lower resolution (e.g., no coin, just the full coin size resident icon - ready rent is the only time those icons appear, so no fear of confusing them with something else).
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Tamy thank you for clearing up my thoughts. You got my meaning exactly right. I did mean exactly what you said. It was early morning, late at night sorry people. The comment about your picture (which was awesome) was as I said my only observation, something to consider, not a reason not to do it. I love the idea. :);)
  6. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    after further consideration and many annoying clicks -> open building window as opposed to collecting rent i see the reasoning behind your suggestion of double click to open building window. im not sure how and if this can be implemented, but it would indeed help avoid the unwanted clicking during rent collection.

    TIP: a good but expensive way to avoid miss clicking and rent clicking is rent collector.
  7. Supernova

    Supernova User

    Yes, wizardelo, that is exactly the reasoning behind my suggestion.

    It became especially annoying since they removed the possibility of spacebar closing the window. As Chickadee pointed out, in order to close the building window away one now needs to aim for the little x to close it. And if it continues to happen, it can become somewhat irritating.

    Re-tip: Agreed as well, expensive way... ;)
  8. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    with all these events that need specific residents, i always have to check not how many of each i got but where they are and if they can do the job in a decent time.. showing residents when collecting rent would be a great help!
  9. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I concur wizardelo especially when you have to collect from the workers at one stage then students at the next stage. It would be helpful to be able to collect from the workers and complete the first stage then start collecting from the students in the second stage.
  10. testec

    testec User

    I think that was exactly the reason for starting this thread suggestion:
    I support this idea too.
  11. juli1308

    juli1308 User

    Hi, I didn't read all, just gallop over it and couldn't see the following suggestion, I made already in the German Forum (with no real response) so I try it here:
    it would be good to have an additional tool in the toolbar like the "improvement tool" or - before x-presso were gone the "x-presso tool" just to see which kind of inhabitants live in which house. With this tool I could find easily where inhabitants are misplaced.
  12. billyjim

    billyjim User

    It would be an improvement over the current system.
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