Reset Needed

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Meridaz, May 6, 2016.

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  1. Meridaz

    Meridaz User

    Got kicked back to the main play field while trying to apply improvements on the coast earlier then connection lost when trying to do improvements on the main play field. Cain't get back in now and have tried with Chrome and Firefox. Cleared temp files, Flash (updated on Firefox), cache and even restart the browsers. No errors, just stuck on the loading screen.


    Meridaz | ID 9269551
  2. G`day Meridaz,
    I have rest your game as requested, :)
    Has your issue now been resolved ?
  4. I need a reset also. Most times can't logon then when I can I only get 3/4 screen?
  5. G`day Charlie, I have reset your game as requested, however I missed seeing your post as it was in someone else`s thread.
    In the future could you please give us your ID and start a new thread, you will probably have a faster reply and it will make it easier for the mod team to find your account :):)
    Is your problem now resolved :rolleyes:
  6. Meridaz

    Meridaz User

    Yes. Thanks.
  7. It is best if you clear your Flash cache every night before closing down your computer , then you will rarely have any problems
  8. Issues are now resolved thread closed
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