Residecial callange problem

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by yellow1970, Dec 7, 2013.

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  1. yellow1970

    yellow1970 User

    For a couple of weeks I have been collecting rent from my fully upgraded houses, but I do not recive stars for them for the residecial challange. For some the challange works, but for most it doesn't.

    yellow1970 | ID 3363055

  2. one thing i have found is that where you are required to use a classic or other improvement you need to finnish the challenge before the timer runs out,
    if that happens you will need to replace the improvements with new ones
  3. yellow1970

    yellow1970 User

    my problemi s that my colection is not recorded
  4. Not even with conditions properly met? (See my first response.)
  5. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I have checked all your buildings on the main map (and those on the island) and I am sorry but you are not reading what the next step is.

    Many of your buildings, especially on the island are awaiting your upgrade and are not yet fully upgrades.
    Several buildings where you have students require workers for the next star level.
    At least 4 buildings are waiting for fancy improvements before you can start the next star level ect ect....

    Please read what the requirements are and follow those instructions or your houses will never level up.
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