Residential building Level4 Speciality -50% Mood & Energy EPIC BUG

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by 7benjamin9, Jun 4, 2017.

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  1. 7benjamin9

    7benjamin9 User

    Did somebody notice this epic bug?

    When you choose Level4 Speciality "-50% Mood & Energy" 50% that should be deducted from your mood loss and energy use totals are actually added to your mood loss and energy use totals.

    I reported this three weeks ago and received following answer: We have a small bug on the game and some times the values get some wrong numbers. Our technical Team is already taking care of this issue.

    One week ago I fully upgraded two more residential buildings and same bug happened again. I have sent another ticket but still did not receive answer.

    What is next?

    I have got 12 of those buildings now and my strategy for developing the city is destroyed. I am forced to choose either Level4 Speciality +25% rent and needs revenue or -25% rent timer.

    I would like to get assurance from developers that issue is resolved. If not I want them to change Level4 Speciality for those 12 residential buildings to Level4 Speciality +25% rent and needs revenue.
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    You are all ready in contact (directly) with the corporate team when you sent in the ticket. Therefore there is nothing we can add to the discussion. I am sending your comments up the chain of comand.
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