Restore boulder spawn rate!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wizardelo, Mar 7, 2014.

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How do you feel about new "once a day" boulder spawn?

  1. It feels the same, i'm ok with it.

    1 vote(s)
  2. It is a lot worse then before, change it back!

    63 vote(s)
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  1. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    hello dev folk,

    We want the spawn rate back please. i see that this has been changed to "once per day" which i understand as: each day i get a limited number of boulders (driftwood, trees, barrels) when i first log in and that's it.

    first day after this change i got 5 driftwood, maybe 5-6 underbrush and 0 barrels. now i cant be sure how many i collected per day usually but im sure i got alot more then this ( maybe 30 driftwood if not more). if you decide to change the spawn to once per day at least make it equivalent to the usual amount that spawned daily before.

    1-click removal is great, but if we get almost nothing to remove, whats the point???? (yes its good for events, but this is not the point im trying to prove here)

    please also read this topic here to see more relevant info:

    added poll so ppl can vote. numbers have their power also.
    wildheart50122 and marylis like this.
  2. accelman

    accelman User

    Yeah, totally agree. Changing the removal method was great... made removing all the underbrush and so forth easy.... except now there's nothing to remove!

    This also makes it very difficult/time intensive to create any "natural" areas with brush and trees, etc. And, yes.... give us our barrels back. Why "improve" a feature only to worsen it???
  3. Dollars2

    Dollars2 User

    Frankly I found removing the barrels the best part of your game and now that it has been mostly removed i find the game to be less interesting to play. I enjoyed looking for the barrels and underbrush and patiently waiting for them to be removed. Now it seems you are on a path to remove this part of the game forever. Frankly I find it seems to follow a trend of dumbing down games from bp like what happened in farmerama. I stopped playing that game becuase of all the changes making it easier made it less appealing and challenging to play. I am all for one click removal of driftwood, but leave the timers and drop rates back to the way they were please.
  4. Yes i totally agree, have not had any barrels,driftwood etc on shore since changes implemented:(:(
  5. MillerWrox

    MillerWrox User

    I really like the one-click removal. But I also liked the old spawn rate that created plenty of undergrowth, trees, driftwood and barrels. Regrowth seemed particularly quick/dense in the seaside playfield and I was definitely a fan of that. I agree with the others here, could we please have a respawn rate like the old version.
  6. looks like the trees are growing had the driftwood has appeared again but havnt sighted a barrel yet:(
  7. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    My beach looks too clean. Need the drift wood & barrels to reappear at the same rate as before.
  8. carlsolly9

    carlsolly9 User

    I too love the one click clear up, but the spawn rate is almost none existent, struggling to find any debris and certainly would win award for my unusually clean beach
  9. clean beaches means losts of swimmers and the occasional white pointers carl :D:D:D:D;)
  10. brucenic

    brucenic User

    Yet another "improvement" that has made the game worse.
  11. Yes, some do appear (appart from barrels) but too few to be noticeable or to make it easily possible to play with natural growth as part of City decoration.
  12. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I finally got my first natural growth (two pieces of driftwood and three shrubs) in both playing fields since the upgrade today. I miss the old growth rate. I like the one click clear but what the point when there is nothing to clear out.

    I have had time to reflect and just spent some time rereading some of the old threads. I think we may have gotten our wish. We asked for a "quicker, simpler" system and that is what we got. Please developers we did not mean it. Lets try to be more specific quicker and simpler pick up of items yes. Thank you for the improvement. But, not less items. Thank you in advance. Thank you as always.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2014
  13. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    We asked for a simpler way to collect boulder drops not for them to almost remove drift wood and barrels.
    marylis and nortoncommander like this.
  14. Exactly as you say. :)
  15. Scopo

    Scopo User

    I like the one click removal but please put back the confirmation for the trees and the boulders. I have nature preserves I developed and enjoyed keeping the boulders on the beaches and in the preserves. I have already lost two trees and one boulder due to errant clicks. Also can't other trees be introduced? One species gets boring and doesn't make too much sense seaside.
  16. since the few driftwood yesterday 24 hours later nothing again and still no barrels:(
  17. MillerWrox

    MillerWrox User

    Same experience here as Norton and Skippyroo describe. It's now been some 48 hours since I first logged in after the update and I haven't cleared more than a couple of pieces of driftwood from my coastal area. Normally that part of my city is fairly prolific in the plants and debris it produces.
  18. My question regarding this issue was moved from General to Technical to be answered by Pirate. Also I think Pirate mentioned in one of the threads that the dev team were notified about the issue. It suggests it will be treated as a bug and addressed accordingly. It makes me expect some improvement soon.
  19. skb13

    skb13 User

    Didn't collect anything yesterday or today, until this evening, and I had 5 pieces of driftwood and no barrels in my sea. :(
  20. another day has passed only 1 piece of driftwood and no barrels:(

    edit, who is the one person who is ok with the boulder spawn poll:confused:
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