Review booster pack rewards!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wizardelo, Apr 29, 2014.

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How do you feel about booster pack rewards?

  1. Great

    3 vote(s)
  2. Adequate, room for improvement, see comments

    29 vote(s)
  3. Not worth the effort

    51 vote(s)
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  1. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I somewhat recently cashed in a ton that I'd been saving, and while I didn't really keep track, I got some good stuff. Finally got a Manor, and it remains my only booster-exclusive of note. I can see how paying for patrol could actually be worth it, but on top of Vitamin-X, I still think the odds of getting booster exclusives are not worth it.

    Sunrise lofts don't count as much, since they can be gotten from any level. Got nine more of those… Still no fire department from around 1600 additional silver medals. Or was it 1800? Oh well, it was a lot. No Futuristic tower from over 1000 more platinums. No, got my prefab suburban homes from those. :D Not even a lowly observation tower!

    Otherwise, what I got that was noteworthy. From memory, should be accurate enough. Possible that one or two from the loot-o-matic snuck in.

    Which isn't too bad. I could almost call it fair for the pay-model. If you can play all day. But considering that this was several months worth of medals, it is underwhelming, mostly due to the lack of booster-exclusives. And RI's. A couple maybe, that were worth anything. Premium deco variety too. I don't think I've ever gotten anything but skateparks and chapels. Another disappointment is the underwhelming amount of coastal permits. I have won a couple from the loot-o-matic though. Maybe it's just me, but they seem under-represented.

    I assume the last batch of new buildings is probably absent from the pool, and it's probably the same for the mountain permits. I know they didn't add coastal stuff immediately. Which could be understandable, but with the odds, I don't think it would hurt any potential sales. And those new buildings aren't new anymore.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2014
    daniel23492 likes this.
  2. @wizardelo That's because the ERS medals are a long-term part of the game. More medals means more booster packs opened and more chances for a better prize.

    For example, today I opened 80 Booster Packs (0-20-20-30-10) and i received
    • 78 Classic and 6 other Improvements
    • 18 deco (none premium)
    • 15.000 CC / 16.000 Ed.P / 18.000 PP / 33.000 Exp.P (from which 2x 14.000 Exp. Points)
    • 80 Vitamin-X / 4 L3 ERS / 6 L4 ERS / 15 Master Keys / 25 MM
    • 240 Lumber / 140 Beams / 100 Wood Paneling / 510 Cork
    • 520 Tomatoes / 520 Potatoes / 1020 Wheat / 2000 Raspberries / 440 Hops / 1830 Barley
    • 450 Donuts / 270 Pizza Dough
    • 520 Brown Ale
    • 1120 Milk
    • 1140 Sushi
    • 605 Bricks / 1260 Concrete / 350 Roof Tiles / 75 Tiles
    • 7 building permits ( 2x Sunrise Lofts, 2x Pier House Apartments, 1x Condo Tower, 1x Modern Row House and 1x Nautilus House Boat).
    Also, there was "2x Hefeweizen", but I don't remember the amount.
  3. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    At this rate, 'long-term' means I'll never get as as many fire departments or futuristic towers as I'd like. And let's not even get started on New-England colonials… It's not like they are even that great apart from looks compared to more readily available buildings. I think the house is just being particularly stingy on this deal.
  4. Cassie666

    Cassie666 User

    That does not sound to bad at all. If one is a "the glass is half full" kind of person, you could say you get a building permit in 10% of your booster packs. I think the rate should not be higher then that because it will loose the thrill of winning anything and the permits will just be stacking up in your architect book. I do agree on the initial statement that 1* improvements could be less and that the amount of building materials etc, could be improved somewhat.
    daniel23492 likes this.
  5. Bababandos

    Bababandos User

    Re: on permits for buildings and decorations -

    I've collected data from all my booster shop winnings for about 6 months now and received 39 permits for normal buildings, 5 permits for premium buildings (+22 for sunrise lofts), 2 permits for shops (stadium and smoothie bar) and 1 for energie (wind farm).

    I'm fairly good with that outcome, but agree that the super special buildings (manor etc.) could be splashed out a tiny bit more. I've got 2 manors but none of the others, and find the fact that I received no firestation from roughly 1000 silver packs (since the introduction of booster packs) a bit dissappointing.

    As for decorations (again, last 6 months): 118 permits for decorations with 1-15 points, 74 permits for decorations with 16-25 points, 53 permits for decorations with 26-33 points, 2 premium (skate park and ruins).

    Here I think they could lower the numbers of small decorations because these basically are no reward at all. However, I am good with the number of better decoration permits, as over a course of time they add up nicely. (Although of course it would be nice to see a couple more premiums, and/or having the newer decorations included).

    A bit more data on what I call 'specials': I received 10 Vita-X 26 times, 25 MM 19 times, 140 MM once, 380 MM three times, 2 permits for mystery buildings and two times 10 keys. I find that outcome pretty good as well.

    So overall I agree that it is a longterm thing, they can't really splash out that much more as that mean some kind of overload of stuff. (Especially since in theory, you could have the +200% thing running all the time; which I think a few people sort of do.)


    My personal wish would be that they don't necessarily need to change the booster content, but it would be nice to do something with the stuff you don't really need (hope that makes sense). E.g. the workshop that they are/were planning to introduce, which in my mind sounded like a place where you can turn a bunch of 1* improvements into better ones. I'm also thinking of a similar thing for decorations, e.g. hand in a bunch of small deco and receive a better one in return.
    wizardelo and daniel23492 like this.
  6. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    i agree with you bababanos, my request is not meant to remove some rewards and replace them with something better, but rather separate reward pool for each type of medal. while receiving small oaks and classic RI and 35 lumber is acceptable from copper, bronze, and dare i say silver? it is unacceptable to receive such rewards from gold and platinum, because the effort and requirements to acquire such medals is by far higher then the others.

    so in my humble opinion there should be a reward pool of objects for each type of medal, including removing lower items from higher packs or reducing their frequency drastically in favor of higher ones.
    for example: i do not expect to get a delapidated chapel each time i open a gold pack, but i expect not to get small oak, but a lvl 30+ decoration. same goes for other permits and why not building materials: lumber and beams are fine but completely inappropriate for platinum medals.
    TellusXIV and daniel23492 like this.
  7. I just opened 10 more Gold Booster Pack and received:
    • 9 Classic Impr.
    • 2 deco (1 Obelisk and 1 Cypress Tree)
    • 10 Vitamin-X / 1 L4 ERS
    • 1680 CC / 2.000 Ed.P / 3.000 PP
    • 80 Beams / 20 Wood Panellig / 170 Cork
    • 180 Rolls
    • 510 Wheat
    • 380 Sushi
    • 420 Concrete / 140 Roof Tiles / 75 Tiles
    • 1x Sunrise Lofts
    • 1x Comfy Apartment House
    • 1x Wind Farm
    • 1x Skate park
    P.S. The Wind Farm and the Skate Park were in the same pack :)
  8. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Oh yeah, I think I did get a wind farm in that last batch too. Never seen commercials. Not sure I've ever seen anyone else mention them either.

    Also forgot that I did get some vit-x, keys, and MM. Seems like they reduced those a bit compared to before. MM certainly doesn't come as much as x-presso did, which doesn't do much to help it serve as the replacement it was meant to be. I'm not really complaining about that though, just stating.

    Also, just now got a residential tower and some more top-tier ERS stuffs.
    daniel23492 likes this.
  9. momEva

    momEva User

    Actually, I have. I have gotten a couple of my better buildings from bronze packs. They are apparently given randomly.

    I would like to see things like small oaks and sunflowers eliminated completely, at least for those over level 12 or so. For emergency medal awards they are bad enough, but why on earth are they offered as lottery ticket prizes?
    daniel23492 likes this.
  10. Yeah, but i was talking about some exclusive building, which you can get from only one type of pack and are very rare, like the Manor from Gold packs and Futuristic Tower Block from platinum :)

    P.S. I just opened 52 more different packs and I didn't received none residential building permit :(
    But instead, I got 3x2 Classic improvements from a platinum booster pack..:rolleyes:
  11. momEva

    momEva User

    Actually, I got a manor from a copper pack... and just got a Futuristic Tower block from either silver or bronze. (I have never gotten a platinum medal)

    PS none of your poll responses really fit me... I think they packs are great, though there is always room for improvement.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2014
  12. momEva

    momEva User

    I am a tad surprised at the complaints over classic improvements. Granted, I only use the engery/mood boost ones when I need to fulfill a level 4 upgrade on a low-return building. Still, they are usable. even a 10% increase on a 400 rent item adds up in time... and you are not stuck with them.

    What I find more than worthless (because they waste time and space) are the low-level decorations! I still have a few sunflowers, but only because I am too lazy to remove them (I recently expanded a lot and have not filled all the spaces yet). I deleted ALL of my oak trees long ago. I would not consider buying them at all, so the "permits" are plain useless! Ditto the lower level houses, like the Duplex. They are just going to sit in my inventory unused, unless maybe I have to do something with them for a quest.. and then they will be deleted right after the quest is over!
  13. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    So I open up a copper pack, see a old background, and I'm surprised. I think, "This must be my observation tower!" And it turns out to be another residential tower. Imagine my semi-disappointment!

    That doesn't even make sense. Why would that even be possible? Seems like it would defeat the purpose of advertising them for specific boosters. If that were really true, then it's even more of a cheat, because I should have plenty by now. :p You didn't happen to get platinums from the stadium or something?

    You'd think they would be more common than buildings that you're encouraged to buy outright.

    Edit: Actually, I do remember getting a mystery building permit from boosters before I ever got platinum medals, which I thought was odd.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2014
  14. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    its not about being stuck with them, its their limited use that makes them so useless.
    -power and mood ones are very dangerous if your close to 75% since there is no warning when they expire you have to keep track.
    completing mastery challenges with them is also tedious, also because they tend to expire earlier then mastery has been completed, thus having to renew them.
    -rent timer ones are annoying because they mess up timers, unless you can put one on all the houses of the same kind.

    ive spent a great deal of them on masteries and i will continue to do so because thats the only purpose i can find for em, but this is not the point. The point is that higher quality booster packs like gold and platinum should not include classic RI,. it would make sense to receive fancy or luxury... not classic.
    TellusXIV and daniel23492 like this.
  15. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    RC is trolling me.
    These on top of another one from a copper pack not long before.

    Edit: And to top it all off, I just got a second manor! I think one is enough. Just give me my fire departments and futuristic towers and the silly observation tower! :mad: :(
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2014
    *kimmi* likes this.
  16. Mr.Crowley

    Mr.Crowley User

    I know how you feel. I spent money to improve my chances, yet hit rock bottom for rewards. It must truly be luck of the draw. Because I have no luck at all. But after I spent money for the First Aid Packs and filled my city with them, I did start to get the medical and fire buildings from the gold. Too little too late. LoL But remember this it is free to play and only takes a little of your time each day to play.
  17. Mr.Crowley

    Mr.Crowley User

    I will trade you my lucky rabbits foot for yours. Lol The fire departments and medical things are all I ever get now that I don't need them. My city is all green for all three. :cool:
  18. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I just got my third manor. Are the other boosters broken or what? I'm even avoiding gold when possible. Why RC? Why do you do this to me?
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
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