Rising Cities 'system'

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Imbruglio, Mar 18, 2015.

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  1. Imbruglio

    Imbruglio User

    I don't know what sort of systems you all use. I think everyone would agree you need something. I have an open office spreadsheet that I use to set targets for levels of produce and the clever thing is the targets change depending on how much I use. It works quite well for me and I would be willing to share it with others. Let me know.
    captain123456 likes this.
  2. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I don't think you need anything at all, but I do use a spreadsheet all the same. Nothing fancy as you describe though; just a list of buildings/deco, some sums and a map. Wanted to rip the images from the forums eventually to make it a bit more fancy. I'd considered sharing too, after some work, perhaps. I know someone tried to share something once that I think was a spreadsheet, but it was problematic to link to it per the rules. It was self-contained, I think, so maybe something like Google Sheets could be acceptable, and it uses .odf by default. You'd have to see that with mods though.
    captain123456 likes this.
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Personally I am not a number cruncher. I do plan but I do not make serious notes or spread sheets to organize my plans. I paint with a broarder brush than that. I set my goals and head towards them. Population of this by next week, So much CC by next week, reach level such and such by next month, etc. If I make it great, if I take a little longer so what. I enjoy what I am doing and relaxing while I build my city. Current goals by end of March: Population of 11,000, 9,000,000 CC's, 3000 MM's, and City level 52.

    We each are on our own to develop our city as we wish. This is not a race. Enjoy what you enjoy in the game. For the number crunchers, crunch those numbers. For the Artists/Architects/City Planners build those beautifully designed city scape, etc. Find what you like to do and it. :D
    captain123456 likes this.
  4. Imbruglio

    Imbruglio User

    Thanks for the replies. I found it difficult at the start to know how much tomatoes you should produce to keep going each day. I don't work with averages I used the max amount of each type to set a target level. This means I play more efficiently. It is still slow but I like that very much. Even an artist needs bread on the table to be able to work.
    Andrewjf and captain123456 like this.
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    @Krassandra first you have some very nice ideas. But not everyone has to agree with you to comment on the forum and contrary to your opinion an Artist does not have to use a brush they can use any medium they choose; an Architect uses space and restrictions on that space to develop a solution to a design problem; a City Planner does plan where to use and place structures and facilities in the city very much like a Player/Mayor in Rising City. You are correct I was trying to use an abbreviated form to express what I was trying to really say that if you are artisticly inclined, architecturally interesting, or city planning oriented. I am so sorry you got confused. :eek:

    As to how you play this game it is to the individual to play it as they wish. Not for me or you to tell them how to play it. In my opinion the player who plans for a long game will have more interest and enjoyment than one who is looking for a rapid quick responsive feed back.

    Have fun. Enjoy the game as you wish. Design and play as you wish.
    captain123456 likes this.
  6. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    And what might that calculator be? It's intriguing.

    My spreadsheet is just that: info. It's just stats for fun and a reference list of sorts to enumerate my assets. Doesn't help with planning anything. Though the map portion would serve as a layout planner whenever I get to that point. For now it's still a rather messy, yet efficient, city.

    It was also a reason to get used to spreadsheets as I've never really needed to use them, and they come in handy for several other things.

    This would be the case even with a plan. Of course you can't ignore limits and you need to think a little and prioritize, especially at first, but RC doesn't require much planning, honestly. Not the kind of thing I've needed to explicitly keep track of, at least. Events can benefit from some though.

    My general principle is to build out, then up. Manufacturing foremost. Residential upgrades come by what is most beneficial/economical, so often lower-level buildings upgrade first, or premiums. Commercials, power plants and deco are built as needed, though certainly in advance. Overall it has been very efficient and speedy, though I'm sure it could be more-so if I wanted to min-max.
    captain123456 likes this.
  7. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Nice. I'd be interested in seeing it. Haven't done much programming myself. Events are the only things I really calculate, and I generally don't even need to do that now since manufacturing is maxed and I'm in the highest tier of events.

    I know. Often I find planning isn't actually worth anything gameplay-wise. As a personal challenge in self-imposed restrictions, sure, but usually I'll find a lot of portions of any game just inefficient or practically useless.

    I've seen some people struggle with the obvious though. Like they've ignored the tutorials, even. What I'm wondering is, what isn't obvious? Does your tool recommend when it's optimal to build or upgrade buildings, for example? Obviously some have more appeal at any given time, but some limits eventually cease or stop being significant, so I'm genuinely interested in how practical the tool is over the 'obvious'.
    captain123456 likes this.
  8. smoothini

    smoothini User

    I completely agree Krassandra. :);):D
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2015
    captain123456 likes this.
  9. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I don't even need GUIs. :cool: But that's interesting, anyway. I've considered using a timer to remind me sometimes, but I'm usually at a computer anyway so the game is usually on. I disregard upgrade cost, because you can recuperate them by selling materials. Most buildings can't reasonably pay for themselves with rent anyway. Some people seem to really hate it, though I don't think it matters. I'm at a point where buying most materials is the only realistic option anyway.
    captain123456 likes this.
  10. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Really? Because I don't know what else to spend it on. The only other option is to feed my people at a loss.
    captain123456 likes this.
  11. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I agree, but you never have enough of something in this game. That to me is part of the challenge to marshall resources to accomplish the goals. CC's is no longer a serious issue but beams, bricks etc. are. I do not have enough cash to buy unlimited materials, so still have to produce majority of what I need.
    captain123456 likes this.
  12. Couldnt agree more. You should NOT have to defend your own posts. The moderators that are here do a great job with sorting out Technical Queries and issues, but there are no moderators here who's task it is to simply moderate. I have a few friends that also play RC but no longer post here for that reason :(
    captain123456 likes this.
  13. Hi Nic, I'm not sure what this is referring to - I could not see any post that required moderating, it just looks like two players having a difference of opinion. Threads in Speakers Corner are left alone as much as possible, so that players are free to express themselves (though we obviously do moderate them for language and abuse, etc). Threads in Gen Ques and Tech Ques get moderated more strongly, to make sure they stay on topic and are relevant.

    If you have a particular problem with a particular post, you can always bring it to the moderators attention by clicking on the "Report" button at the bottom of each post. Please only do this if you feel there is a genuine problem with a post, eg abusive language, etc.
    billyjim likes this.
  14. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Thanks for the support. :D The speakers corner is a free for all situation, ergo the deep end of the pool. Krassandra was correct I dd use the wrong terminology in my post. I made an assumption that I thought people would follow and she called me out on it. That actually was a service for me I have a tendency to believe people understand my writing shorthand and understand. :oops: Thank you Krassandra. ;)

    I am sorry to hear that people are not posting on the forum. They should never be afraid or shy to post on the forum. It is a great resource for all of us. The questions and answers are great for all rookie and veteran player alike. There are many persons here who are willing and able to support those in need. So tell your friends to come on down and join the party. If they disagree or agree say something we all will benefit. Just be polite, respectful and honest. Oh and have some fun. :D
    captain123456 and NicFair2006 like this.
  15. Hi Strider, Thank you for responding. Perhaps we are a little too sensitive, however and with respect, I consider there is a difference between healthily and productively discussing a difference of opinion and someone being opinionated to the point that you have to defend yourself. In my book that's where a Moderator steps in. I will leave it there and thank you again for responding :)
    captain123456 and Erica like this.
  16. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Well said.
    captain123456 likes this.
  17. My response was a polite reply to Strider's comments. You simply continue to reinforce my point. With all due respect.
    captain123456 likes this.
  18. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I feel compelled to speak up in defense of what billyjim obviously meant when he made the comments you are responding to. You have some strong opinions and that's fine. But you never seem to hear anyone when they are trying to say what they like or dislike. You seem to expect everyone to conform to your idea of how things ought to be and how things work. Billyjim was just trying to express this is a casual game played for fun and do what you want as long as you have fun. If I choose to start a city, build ten houses, and never build any commercial buildings or do any events...but I have fun collecting rent from these ten buildings, then the game has worked for me. To suggest I am doing things wrong because of how you personally analyze the game? Come on now, Krassandra. Similarly, some of us play for aesthetic pleasure not mathematical precision; I have sacrificed (some) efficiency in my city to arrange things more aesthetically to suit my tastes. Nobody can tell me that's a "bad idea" because I did not "plan" my city efficiently like an actual planner would in real life. Heloooooooooooooooo....simulation game, not reality. Nobody will actually starve if I grow no food on my farms. I personally don't use any deep planning or calculating or numbers or graphs as you insist is so important....and I'm Level 44 with 5 Million PP, 1 Million PP, average daily rent of 1- 1 1/2 Million CCs, a population of about 7k evenly balanced, and breeze through events like a hot knife through butter.

    Not saying your ways are wrong...enjoy as you will. But keep in mind, discussions don't always need to be point vs. counterpoint (one person declares a position and another person "attacks" it and so on...as you said "really makes sense"). Actually, that doesn't make sense to some of us. State your opinions, sure. But I really don't agree with the assertion that sharing of thoughts and opinions is uninteresting unless it's expressed in terms of verbal attacks and defenses. Why can't there just be an exchange of information and commentary? You're probably going to say that's the same thing....but it's not. People soon tire of discussions that always have to be debates and disputes. That permeates the forum with a negative vibe.

    And regarding the "game has become boring" part; can you explain how crunching numbers and looking at graphs is going to make doing the same old event for the same old prizes somehow no longer boring? Can you explain how numbers and graphs will spontaneously create new events or new buildings for me to place? Oh, that's right, they won't. Just because you find the numbers and graphs fun doesn't mean others will. If you're going to recommend a solution to an issue, you should first comprehend the issue. Recommending number crunching for someone bored because of non-number crunching related issues won't cure their boredom, and demonstrates you did not truly listen to what they said they were bored with. That being said, please do have fun, please do play the way you like, and please do express your thoughts and opinions openly and freely.
    captain123456, Erica and billyjim like this.
  19. skb13

    skb13 User

    Come on kids, neither of you are now discussing "Systems", just sniping at each other.

    I used to be very keen on planning, and kept all sorts of figures. I still have my spreadsheet, which has several purposes:-
    1) I have one sheet that I've changed the squares to be small squares, rather than rectangles, and can use that for planning layouts for commercial coverage.
    2) I have another sheet that lists every building I have. It's not only update to date for Power Stations and Residences. The residences portion tells me how much population I should have (particularly useful once you upgrade Golden Linings to L3 or L4). The Power Stations tells me how much Power I'm generating, and so what maximum power usage I can have before I drop to 75%. I did try and do the same for mood, but a) decos were too hard to keep track of and b) RIs made it too complicated to calculate. Similarly I don't try and calculate power used automatically, and just use the figure from the game.
    3) I have a third sheet that lists various buildings and their upgrade costs in terms of materials. I can then type in how many upgrades I want of a particular type, and it tells me how many bricks, roofs, etc. I need. If I've then updated the next row with how many materials I actually have then it will tell me how many cycles of production I need before I can upgrade. It used to tell me how much CC I needed too, but CC has become fairly immaterial these days.
    4) I still keep a record of what my booster packs have given me from medals. This makes depressing reading though.

    With the land limited now, I don't need to plan layouts so much, as there's little new I can build, except in the Mountain playfield, which I haven't quite filled (yet).

    But I've had quite a lot of enjoyment in collecting the data. I think I was the first (on the English forum at least) to work out a formula for XP from rent collection, and materials production. I tried, for a while, to collect XP data for upgrades, but gave up on ever finding a system for working out what XP you'd get - it's a 'random' figure typed in by the devs when they add a new building.
    captain123456 and Erica like this.
  20. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I didn't say anything you said was a waste of time or wrong or even useless. I said I disagree with you that discussion without argument is not interesting...and that (as proven by pretty much everything you say) that everyone else's beliefs or opinions or theories are "wrong" simply because you think differently. If you think because I enjoy playing games just for fun I cannot function in a strategy context, I invite you to try a game like Command & Conquer (which I have mastered) and think again. In fact, since I have been a gamer since the orinial "Pong" and "Atari" systems hit the stores, I am willing to bet I have more experience with more game platforms than you are even aware of. I may be wrong in that assumption, but I'm thinking it's a safe bet.

    As far as systems for playing RC, I admit your ways are quite workable and have good value; but so do those preferred by Billyjim, myself, and others. Planning takes many forms, and the difference between linear thinking and abstract thinking need not be an automatic bone of contention. There are many different workable approaches to this game.

    You say I "pursued" you here after blowing up a different thread; nay, I spoke up in the defense of a dear friend whom you had subjected to your contrary argumentativeness just because he said some people are here for fun and that was ok. You say you enjoy having an opponent. You say if nobody argues, what's the interest of discussion (?) You misrepresent things I have clearly stated to try and justify your own positions. Let me, for the sake of argument, agree that discussion is only interesting if there is an argument between opponents, and demonstrate a very powerful strategic principle I have learned from my sensei and my Navy SEAL father...it takes greater strength to choose not to fight (argue) :D With that said...I will close by demonstrating that very principle like this..................
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2015
    captain123456 likes this.
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