RisingCities Server Forbidden 403

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BethAndSapp, Jan 11, 2015.

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  1. BethAndSapp ID 8968787
    2015-01-11 06:26:16.211 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden) http://www.risingcities.com/images/game/frame/promo/
    2015-01-11 06:26:16.399 The "fb-root" div has not been created, auto-creating all.js:61
    2015-01-11 06:26:16.410 FB.init has already been called - this could indicate a problem all.js:61
    2015-01-11 06:26:17.412 Given URL is not allowed by Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains. ping:1
    2015-01-11 06:26:31.522 Failed to load resource: the server http://cityrama2-865.level13.bpcdn....ies.xml?__cv=2482247240e657dc00ad9b0602934600 responded with a status of 504 (Gateway Time-out)

    Goggle Chrome Console goes on with all the differnet types of areas that need to load to run the game. What I am seeing thou is what they are saying is the problem which is the http starts with risingcities than after whichs to http cityrama2-865.level13.bpcdn.net

    Please not that under warnings js tells you the reason why your game is not loading all the way. You cannot run on risingcities and then which without the subdomain being in the FB your subdomain is rama2 because it is not in the domain FB game cannot run
    billyjim likes this.
  2. Geflin do so but problem not fixed so I thought that maybe if I just said hey guys this is the F ing problem that maybe just maybe they would fix it
  3. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I will say Lee is doing his best to help with my ticket, and has passed along the information I discovered. I also must say, since my computer tech and I are discovering these things fairly easily, and in short time frames, I am having difficulty understanding why it's taking so long to actually fix the bugs. Maybe she ought to give them it in German (which, by the way, she can do)? Not trying to be a jerk, and I seriously do appreciate all the mods are doing, but I have always been an action speaks louder than words kind of guy...and I don't believe in failing to openly share necessary information.
    BethAndSapp and promaster102 like this.
  4. And for those who do not know the cityrama URL is bigpoint's URL to the Home Page of Bigpoint
  5. One other thing that has been bugging me Do not say you cannot log in the reason for this is that you sign in to load your city and to use the fourm. What you should be saying is city not able to load load failed. the reason for this is that when you report the problem vai ticket you are told that well it says here that you are logged into your city so I do not see the problem.
    TellusXIV, honeywest and Geflin like this.
  6. Geflin

    Geflin User

    She makes a good point there. We are actually logging in when we enter our username and password. It's a gateway loading failure and server issue, but we are discovering there are many more errors underlying that. Why is this relevant here? I don't know, hmmm.....well, different errors are displaying when you inspect element and other such for Chrome, IE, and Firefox....then add in Adobe Flash Player is displaying another error related to the display sizing being rejected....and Java script is also throwing a cyberfit with these guys. Makes me want to FedEx the code techs in Germany a biiiiiiiiig box of expresso beans and a grinder, so maybe they will start picking this problem apart for real. That's not to say I am ungrateful for the help being given by the mods, team, etc. But I think it's only honest to say we all are getting a bit frustrated, and if people like us can figure out all this so fast, one must wonder, hmmmm?
    BethAndSapp likes this.
  7. piche413

    piche413 User

    I am starting to wonder if they took the weekend off.
  8. no they did not their hiding in the data closet...lol
    piche413 likes this.
  9. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Console shows the same errors for me, and I can log in.

    Maybe something changed recently, but that URL has always been part of the game as long as I've known it.

    Perhaps it's because I'm currently outside the US, but I also don't login through FB, so I have doubts that FB has anything to do with it.

    cityrama2 is probably the internal name, as before RC, there was a game called RamaCity. It isn't a homepage url, but redirects there as you aren't supposed to access it, which is pretty standard practice.

    Supposedly they know the problem. It could be that the problems is somewhat out of their control, assuming they are renting overseas servers, which could easily make it take longer than it should. I've never seen such problems last this long; usually they would get it in a day or two.
  10. piche413

    piche413 User

    Perhaps you are one of the few in the US that can get in
  11. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    No, I'm not in the US, currently. I imagine you are directed to whatever is the closest server.
  12. I understand that and all and yes it does reroute you to bigpoint if you are only using rama2 but what I am understanding is that it is saying that by starting risingcities with your log in works but when it goes to the next step it swicths over to cityrama URL and that is where it is having the problem on the US side or it maybe the DE side it really does not say which server port it is happening at all it does say is that Forbidden Gateway 504 then moves on to Gateway Failed 4.. I under stand that they are working on it on the DE side, but it is really messed up that it is taking this long. It makes my wonder if the reason why it is taking as long as it is is it because we are not paying a monthly right to play cost? Is it a case of the MODS are not being paid that they keep locking or closing talks on this matter because DE does not want us taking on this matter If we all do not start talking on what is going on then then may get some or most of it fixed but this is not the first time that this has been going on other players and thy self have had loading and playing problems with the game and if they went all the way back and started there with listing the problems and then counting how many there are I feel that they would see that the game keeped trying to say there is a problem here but because they where not fully listening to the system it finilly said go F yourself so now we are not able to play in the playing field I am just saying thats all
  13. greenbrown

    greenbrown User

    In the devs' defense, I suspect that they were off work for New Year's, and the Friday and weekend after. They come back to work and all the US "mayors" are upset after not being able to log in for 2 days. They'd have to backtrack to see what happened while they were gone and what changed. Granted, the game was showing signs of instability before that, but we could still get in. So if they have pinned down the issue, once it is fixed
  14. greenbrown

    greenbrown User

    hope the game is more stable. sorry, posted before I finished.
  15. piche413

    piche413 User

    I agree with you but it has been a week and I hope for the sake of argument that they have more than 1 developer working on this issue. You would also think that they would have someone there to keep an eye on things especially where we don't stop playing this game because of a holiday. Weekends and holidays is when most of us take the time to get a lot of playing time in. I know that I do because of the time off from work.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2015
  16. I am just going to put this out there to you arsuru I am an Undergrad in the CIT what CIT stands for is Comupter Information Technology in the focus of Admins. With that being said, html which is hyper text markup language is just the text that you read; whereas, CSS is what adds the style to the web page. Within that is where the image files go. Now for the html and the css and images to run they must all be within the root file. what the code is saying is that one or more of the files is missing or that one of the addresses has changed or is no more. If it is a matter of a file missing I would think they would have fixed that. this makes me think that it is a domain address is missing or not there anymore. This then points to a DNS matter. This is not the first time that we in the US have had a DNS problem with RisingCities.
  17. piche413

    piche413 User

    So what you are trying to say is that if they can't figure out where the problem lies it could take quite some time before we could play again
  18. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    You're not telling me anything I don't already know. I even deal with HTML and CSS sometimes so these concepts are not at all foreign to me.

    I was just saying that I get the same errors you do in the console, and I can log in. So to me, it looks like everything you've posted in this thread isn't really related to the problem, especially since you cite FB specifically. But frankly, your English isn't very natural and sometimes incoherent, so I may have not quite understood something as you intended.
    honeywest likes this.
  19. I am saying that it is more then likely a DNS talking to a DNS and the check is not passing the check FB is not what I am logging into what I am loggin into is RisingCities.com its self. I also am sorry if you are having a hard time understanding my I am a person with Autisim Disorder. And All I am doing is what is called tossing the ball around so that maybe we all can figure out what is going on. Sometimes it helps to hear other ideas on the matter. When one is feeling as if they have thought of everything they can. Just to find out that they have not and that because they where listening it jogs something for them, Arsuru.

    Piche413 it is a case of having to wait and keep trying, If you do get in to the games playing feild let others know that you where able to and who is your provider. the reason I say the last part is that when I played WOW we ran in to the problem of some of us not being able to play because the provider was having a problem with keeping up with the heavy payload.
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