RisingCities Server Forbidden 403

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BethAndSapp, Jan 11, 2015.

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  1. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Yeah, that's what I understood. But yeah, I get what you're doing, and it's all good.
  2. piche413

    piche413 User

    I just got a look at my city if you can call it that. I scrolled to the over to a bakery and it said local 00051 unidentified, another building said local 00031 unidentified. Only a few buildings were there. My mood level was really low and the taskbar at the bottom of the screen was not there and the background was sporadic at best. I did get to switch to the island but could not switch to the mountain area before the game locked up.
  3. Thanks for letting us known Now if they got that fixed where we can log in and play our cities then maybe they can fix the bug with in the display field of the game which should stop the game from freazing up.
  4. piche413

    piche413 User

    It only happened once. Now I can't get back in.

    Tried again and now I'm only getting the dreaded white screen. Tassie-Devil is there any way to give us an update on this problem?
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 11, 2015
  5. As soon as we know anything new it will be immediately passed on. :)
    promaster202, Geflin and honeywest like this.
  6. piche413

    piche413 User

    Thank You. Any news will be greatly appreciated.
    honeywest likes this.
  7. honeywest

    honeywest User

    Thank you, Tassie-Devil. I believe that it is totally a server problem. Lost packets and being dog slow all point to the fact that their server is shot. We are all probably waiting for them trying to fix a dead horse when what they should be doing is buying a new server to be hooked up.
  8. BethAndSapp8968787
    Well I may not be able to get all the way into the playing feild I am at least know getting the city's sounds while it is still trying to stream the game.

    Honeywest is more than likely right about the server not working right anymore, but you would think that they would have a back up server for this game with how many play it.
  9. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Communication is admittedly an art of give and take, but there is often a greater need for "listen" than there is for "speak" (and I believe that translates over to written discussions as "read and comprehend" and "comment and opine"). As a paralegal, I've had to learn how to absorb every possible detail of what I am reading or hearing, because you never know what key phrasing might win or lose the day. I believe it has been made very clear the issue (yeah, it's the html/server thing all over again isn't it...along with it's seventy friends it brought back with it)
    You do realize, Asuru, this is MY computer tech you're talking to here? Do you recall telling me in Clearing the Air that you had never said that I was wrong about the server/html issue? Here you are yet again, saying much the same things in the same tone as you did with me. I had actually stared this comment earlier (communication is admittedly an art^) and did not finish.

    Ok, so the autistic person who also has Asperger's (yet manages quite well in CIT and other college classes) has English that "isn't very natural and sometimes incoherent"; why not try to understand better rather than justify lack of understanding yet again because of what amounts to semantics? Speaking of such...you are aware the FB was not a reference to Facebook, rather to fb.div and the CSS? In fact, it's part of the process related to www.RisingCities redirecting to cityrama2, and you misunderstood the reference to "accessing"; she was not saying she was trying to access...she was saying when the game tried to access cityrama2 the server refused access because the wo URL references differed and the subdomain was not correctly identified under the domain. This is part of that missing coding we have been talking about all along. Cityrama by the way is Bigpoint's URL...one of several data transfers from when the game is loading. Biggest part of the problems is this very gateway failure.

    Ultimately, it's saying stuff like "it looks like everything you've posted in this thread isn't really related to the problem" when these things are very much part of the problem, which makes it seem like you are needlessly hostile. As I said before, it's kind of a part of the solution/part of the problem thing. "Supposedly they know the problem"? It's been made clear the coding was sent to support via screenshot attached to email. Both Prirate Lee and Tassie Devil have acknowledge the devs team isolated and is working on the problem...and that there was a conflict between the Germany and US servers. Just saying....
  10. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Yeah, I know it's your tech. Her phrasing in my quoted text sure made it sound like logging in though FB. Oops, maybe I misunderstood, and she already clarified anyway. And fb-root is code related to FB. No, I was not being hostile. Just because it wasn't beamingly positive doesn't make it hostile. It was a totally neutral explanation that she didn't seem bothered by.

    I didn't acknowledge not understanding anything, I just said it was a possibility, since I evidently did understand, as I'd later pointed out. I think between your tech and I, we understood each other and cleared up everything before you came in with that. There was no need to say anything further, and certainly not for you to come and misinterpret it all selectively.

    I did not misunderstand 'access', and I don't know how you can come to that conclusion. RC always accesses something from cityrama2; it has the whole time I've played. Thus, trying to access it didn't seem like a problem. Never said it wasn't their URL, rather it's not their homepage URL. I was only making observations, just as your tech claimed to be doing in this thread. I never claimed to know 100% what the problem was, and as far as what is said in this thread, it doesn't seem your tech did either.

    If you're going to tell me about key phrasing then pay more attention to mine, (and hers, as that would make mine make more sense as well), because you've missed my points several times despite them being clearly phrased. Honestly, if you hold communication as highly as it seems, semantics shouldn't be such a negative thing. Funny how you ride me for focusing on it too much and then jump on me about how I use 'supposedly'.

    I don't care if you're right or not about the problem. I'm only even responding for the most part because it seems you keep misunderstanding me, so I'd like to clear it up, but now it's just annoying. And I assure you, communication and language are my areas, and I do much more input than output, despite often long posts here.

    By the way, taking quotes — or worse, partial quotes — out-of-context is bad practice. It has a way of changing the intended meaning to suit your agenda.
  11. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I am not getting into this death match. If it makes you guys feel better cool. But, is this really helping anything. All i read is you each have a point of view and you disagree and are determined to force the other to bend to your way of thinking. Thank you for the insights and the information. But, discussing who is right and who said what does not seem to me to be getting us any new data.
  12. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I'm actually not trying to do that. I think the whole mess should be deleted.
  13. I think we can not gain anything further here closed
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