Safety View

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by LittleH67, Dec 17, 2013.

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  1. LittleH67

    LittleH67 User

    Now that my city is growing and I have some taller buildings I am finding safety view really useful for seeing where trees and bushes have grown but are hidden behind buildings in normal view. However it is really annoying when clearing larger areas of growth that the game switches back to normal view every time I click on a tree or bush to clear it. Is there some way you could please make the game stay in safety view until users choose to switch back to normal view???
  2. Use Foundation View? Right hand end of tool bar, the three dots, fourth one up from that menu. Does what you want without the red/green/orange colouring.
  3. LittleH67

    LittleH67 User

    Thank you so much. Indeed, that is exactly what I have been looking for.
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