segitsetek légyszi

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by szandra83, Sep 13, 2018.

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  1. szandra83

    szandra83 User

    Sziasztok nem rég kezdtem a játékot, kikapcsoltam a riasztást eltüntettem a rendőrséget és a tűzoltóságom sehol nem találom azóta segítsetek légyszi .A raktárcsarnokba nincs .Előre is köszi
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    szandra83 - Welcome to the game. In the process of turning off the "alarms" most likely you will find you Police Station and Fire Deptartment's in the inventory. To access your inventory just click on the bottom left button (tools) of the bar at the bottom of the screen. Then on the middle button (move) in drop up section. Finally in the inventory section click on the emergency buildings. You will find the Police and Fire stations. Click and drag them back to your city.

    Please remember that this is the English Forum and that all postings must be in English. Also please supply your ID number, as this makes our responses quicker.