should i.....

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ThomasHeathwaite, Jul 1, 2014.

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  1. Hi all,

    Do you think i should start the football event as i have to go to school Monday 8:20-4:30 and Tuesday-Friday 8:20-3:20 and i go out at least once per weekend.

    So with 81 hours of production to make the things needed for the event.

    do you think i should start the event?


  2. nervo82

    nervo82 User

    You can wait more time, it runs until 13th July.

    If you want to do it, best advice is stay below level 36 if possible and build all the beams, potatoes and donuts before starting.

    You should only do it if you want to, the rewards aren't brilliant and even the lower level requirements are quite demanding.
  3. School finish in 3 weeks today so i would do it in the holiday but i can't.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2014
  4. An option could be to ask for help from one of your parents; He/She could log in in your place and could start the production of what you need.
  5. Tamy

    Tamy User

    Another option would be to decide in advance not to finish the event, decide which stage you want to finish, and declare it a shorter, personalized version.
    Like with many other events, the final reward does not look that great -- usually there are better rewards along the way. So go for what you think you would like to have, and what is feasible for you, and ignore the rest.
  6. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    Can you access the game during lunch breaks? If you could, then, time it so all the drops/shorter production times get done at the weekend.
  7. no i can't sorry
  8. billyjim

    billyjim User

    That is sad ThomasHeathwait :(
  9. i feel sorry for you:( prettend to be sick and dont go to school heres a suggestion start the event straight after school on a friday and then prettend to be sick or get sick for a few days starting sunday so its not too suspicious and go out on saturday and say you got a cold;)
  10. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    If you really want to do it, you can cut time quite a bit by setting the alarm clock when you go to sleep. Up some 5-10min and back to sleep.
  11. Tamy

    Tamy User

    Guys, do not get carried away -- this is only a game! No, do not get up in the middle of the night to play; do not miss school (unless you need some excuse to do so anyway ;)); Do not spend your entire weekend babysitting your computer...
    Get what you want out of it, enjoy the time you spend playing and do not let it take over your life. This is just one event. there will be plenty other events in a few weeks, and we will soon all forget about the football party.
    magejohnson likes this.
  12. billyjim

    billyjim User

    You tell them Tamy. :D School is way more important than any RC event maybe. The maybe is just kidding. :oops:
  13. you never know what if you were not learning anything at school what would be the point in going
  14. Tamy

    Tamy User

    Hanging out with your friends, of course. :)
  15. oh yeah but what if you have no friends and you are lonely
  16. Tamy

    Tamy User

    Well, than spend time with people in school until they will become your friends.
    And of course, with us here in the forum :)
    billyjim likes this.
  17. I have stated this now, hope i can get to last step and finish.
  18. Good luck !!
  19. billyjim

    billyjim User

    We have faith in you. let us know what the final out come is.
  20. i will need it
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