Show us your Mastery

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by jeffsquatch, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Making me jealous I can not wait till I get my manor house built up to level 4 (Do see MM purchase in my future?)
  2. I'm jealous in that I've never had one!
  3. same here, i suppose we have sometging to look forward to :);)
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  4. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    my vintage corner, looks alot like the one posted before by Hipshot :)
    one might say i copied the setup :p


    and some red apartments :)

    Last edited: Feb 27, 2014
    Metro11 and skb13 like this.
  5. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    nobody shows their mastery anymore?

    well i got a new one today :)

    Oliversk likes this.
  6. That looks great, but ......... I guess you can't see much of it unless in this basement view. :)
  7. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    actualy it can be seen with full view also,i just didnt want to give away all the buildings near it ;)
  8. The vintage setup looks a LOT like mine, except that mine are still working on the mastery stages, but I'll be upgrading them soon. The red apartments looks almost like a reverse of mine. If you would turn yours counter-clockwise 45 degrees, it'd be pretty close to how mine looks.
  9. what is that building? and how did you get it?
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong, Wiz, but I believe it's one of the booster pack buildings.
  11. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Residential Buildings
    Futuristic Tower Block from medals.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  12. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    yes it is called Futuristic Tower Block and it was the best prize i ever got from a platinum booster pack.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  13. i'll never get that i can only sliver and bronze medal at the moment:(:(
  14. Brand new: Rustic Villa level 4:



    - 1x Satellite Dish +50% rent
    - 2x Chaise Lounge +20% rent +20% Needs Revenue (each)
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  15. skb13

    skb13 User

    My mayor is trying to price the local Lord out of his Chateau, so that he can move in.
    wildheart50122 and daniel23492 like this.
  16. Wow! I can't wait to see what I get out of both of mine seeing as I have them located where they can have all of their needs met!
  17. Easter Lodge Level 4:



    No improvements yet.
  18. Water Tower Level 4:




    - 1 Epic bar + 40% Rent -5% Rent Timer
    - 1 Epic Satellite Dish +50& Rent
    - 1 Epic Bed +60% Experience +15% Rent
  19. skb13

    skb13 User

    I found one of these on my island today - scary! :)
    Haunted Tower L4
  20. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    Not seen anyone post one of these up yet. Here's one of my many designer apartments that I've upgraded to level 4
    nervo82 and daniel23492 like this.
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