Show us your Mastery

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by jeffsquatch, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. skb13

    skb13 User

    That's because I'm still waiting on getting 1000 event drops on mine!
  2. marylis

    marylis User

    What is this building that looks like a birthday cake? It is soooo cute. Where can we find it?
  3. That's a Fondant Palace and was a reward for the birthday event
  4. marylis

    marylis User

    birthday event? I 'm playing since december.
  5. [RO]Turel97 and marylis like this.
  6. marylis

    marylis User

  7. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    OMG, this was a royal pain to get the Mastery on. Kinda proud of it though.


    Doing the construction on it was like buying the last piece of land. Now I have to run my manufacturing full tilt for days, and break up some rocks to get some of it back.
  8. marylis

    marylis User

    What building is that?
  9. the condo tower isn't it?
    Last edited: May 19, 2014
  10. This is a long run endeavour, that is for sure. I'm only doing Challenge 2 for one of mine. :) But I suppose it's still faster then collecting 1000 event drops for designer appartment. :) :) :)
  11. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    Yep, it's a Condo Tower. For the buildings that have totally unreasonable mastery requirements, I use the MM I've managed to accumulate.

    See, when everyone else was using the expresso up before they converted it to MM, I was stockpiling it. I came out of the conversion with a nice pile of MM to use in various mastery things. I supplement it with every event that has MM and every movie possible. Patience Padawan, wait for the opportunity, then strike.
  12. I haven't used MM for mastery yet. Mastery usually only takes time or RI, so it's free and I'm not in a hurry to Masterise anything. So I guess saving X-presso to exchange for MM was not such a good deal after all. Would definitelly not be for me, since I actually like the Mastery proces and don't want to skip it. While using X-presso gave me a lot of material quickly. :)
  13. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    If you have stuck RIs on that, what did you pick?
  14. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    IRRC, I stuffed just anything I had in the RI slots to meet the requirements of having three of them all luxury or better. I didn't use epics, I'm saving that for solar panels or something to lower mood. Took (seemingly) forever to collect enough times. I blew off the education points with MM because, first it was astronomical and second I didn't need the darn EP. That hurt, but I made it up in events pretty quickly.

    Right now I have an expired fireplace, an expired game console and a pool table that will expire soon. Hoping to get something epic to lower mood or power to fill the slots with (grill, solar panel, you know).

    By the way, it really helps that (often) after you finish an event, it'll pop back up in the event plaza. I've done a bunch of the events twice after something happened and it became available again. If there's something cool coming up, I just do the event enough to get the money and bail for the next one. So, keep an eye on the event plaza, it can be your friend from time to time.

    Also, I go for the mastery because it's almost free from the perspective of power and mood. I always choose 50% less energy and mood which makes it use less than level three on the same building with nicely increased population and income. I can certainly understand people going for the other items, but I seem to be hurting on power or mood all the doggone time.
  15. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    Not tackled the condos yet but they are on my list of residential additions. As for choosing which mastery..I tend to go rent on my designer apt. that have got epic solar panels plus mood & power reduction as part of mastery levels. The event and mystery buildings that I've 'mastered' so far have been rent too as their consumption is pretty low compared to other normal residentials.

    As for your advice on using MMs on crazy requests, I tend to follow the same idea but only once I've got the materials ready.
  16. skb13

    skb13 User

    I found one of these in my city over the weekend:
    I particularly like the chair lift going up the side of the building!
    nervo82 likes this.
  17. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    not so fancy but unique :) winter event 2012 :)
    tpaintdoc05 likes this.
  18. 24 Level 4 Energy Efficient Row House

  19. Man it's cool. :) But a bit crowded.
  20. Thanks. Well, that's how I see the suburb :)
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