Silver booster pack

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -MrMungo-, Dec 17, 2013.

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  1. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    ID is 1965290 before I forget!

    I cashed in on a silver booster pack for 15 medals.
    I had exactly 15 at the time.

    It never told me what I received though. No info at all.
    Could you please tell me what I received?? (PirateLee?)

    The booster pack was claimed at 10.14pm on 17/12 if it helps any?

    It's probably a crappy RI and tomatoes, but would be nice to know either way!
  2. sirkeith

    sirkeith User

    I just cashed in 15 silver medals and got an RI, a rhododendron and one (yes one!) concrete, the 10 bronze medals gave me one sushi and one concrete - so I wouldn't hold your breath!

    Looks like the new, cheaper packs, are going to be much, much worse than the old ones.
    FredX likes this.
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Sorry it took so long to reply it has been a busy week, these all seem to fit your time lines:-

    ProductionPointsbuy . booster . currencyproduction17.12.2013 23:14:131900
    Playfield Item Permissionsbuy . booster . permission6017.12.2013 23:14:131
    Playfield Item Improvementsbuy . booster . improvement5017.12.2013 23:14:131
    Goodsbuy . booster . booster_pack . 3351 . goodSilver Medals17.12.2013 23:14:13-15
  4. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    Thanks for looking into that for me, Pirate.
    Are you an elf in your free time, by any chance?

    Do you happen to know what the numbers stand for? Ie, the 60 and 50.
    I assume they respond to a specific single item.
    Not that it matters a great deal, I just like to keep a record of my medals...I'm weird like that!
  5. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I dont know the numbers as there are (as I am sure you would know thousands of codes) I will try and find out however just out of curiosity.
  6. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    It's happened again - this time with platinum medals about 30 minutes ago.
    As soon as I clicked on the button, the screen went white.
    More than a tad frustrating!
  7. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I did place this in the devs bug sheet last time but since they dont come back formally until the new year I guess the issue will remain.:(
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