Spawn frequency of event collection objects

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Flowerheir, Jul 24, 2016.

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  1. Flowerheir

    Flowerheir User

    Is there any solid knowledge about obtaining collection items at events? (both the ones that come with rent, and the ones that are picked up from the streets)

    For the items that are produced (carrots, apples, etc.), it's pretty easy to do the math and plan how long it'll take to finish the various items.
    But for the items that need to be collected, I have absolutely no way of knowing how long it'll take - or if it's even remotely possible. Does the spawn frequency depend on lvl, population, city area, street area, street quality, number of houses, level of houses, something else, and can I predict it (approximately)?

    I've seen in a couple places that having street area helps and street type doesn't (, Is that confirmed, or just suspicion?
  2. With the street drops you can build extra streets with the country lane as they are of no cost
    with the residential drop this will depend on the type of housing that you have, all houses with a rent timer under an hour will rarely give any drops.
    Is there anything else that we can help you with on this topic:)
  3. Flowerheir

    Flowerheir User

    Thanks for the input.

    So you can confirm that we aren't actually able to calculate beforehand if a given event is feasible to complete? And you say it doesn't account for level, so it's more likely to be tough/impossible for anyone in the low range of the interval (say being lvl 15 in an event for 15-19).

    And you can confirm that having more streets increases the probability of street drops? (that's interesting, and it says something about how the devs are thinking this game - although I'm not sure I'd have made that design decision.) Unfortunately the land to build the country lane on doesn't come for free...

    Do we know if the probability varies between different events/items? The cloth and billboards killed me recently, but this time I feel like I was getting balloons more easily (and finger paintings are even coming from 2- and 5-minute houses). I've of course progressed in the meantime, but I don't think I've upgraded many houses. So I'm wondering if for example the children's festival spawns differently from the circus, or if that's just how it feels. Do we know anything?

    Since it seems we don't have much facts on this, I'd like to leave the topic open for intuitions an experience from other players - would it have to be posted in another section for that?
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Flowerheir, the actual calculations depend on the exact number and type of buildings you have in your city and since every city is unique there is no feasible way to do the calculation. You can build streets any undeveloped land you own. The number of drops does vary by events and items being dropped. The earlier events, under level 15, do recognize that a new city does not have access to the higher level buildings.

    As for the events being a challenge for the lower level player in a range. But depending on your city parameters are not impossible.

    Since you wish to make this into a discussion I am moving the thread to the "Speakers Corner". Where free exchange of ideas is done.

    Good luck and enjoy building your city
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    You can complete any of the events at any level. The limitations is on the upgrades to your facilities. I did complete the Biker Rally (considered by many to be the hardest event) at level 25 with out resorting to using MM's. But cost me a couple of sleepless nights and being online with the game for hours. I would not recomend it or do it again. :D
  6. BoTo0

    BoTo0 User

    Depends on the event and you planning. I was level 15 when I started children's festival and I completed it very easy because I have a lot of paths and a lot of buildings with high timer(some of them are actually upgraded to level 2). I completely removed everything below 1.5h from my city and all vegetable stands(I'm level 16 now :)).
  7. nennesby

    nennesby User

    An advice from a newbee with difficulties making the advents: If I just need a few of the drops from houses, then I change the inhabitants in my buildings a thereby uses this as an opportunity to make the guest about ex xx students in my town. Everytime you changes your inhabitants the house get ready. I know that I only as a newbee get the double benefit from this way.
  8. BoTo0

    BoTo0 User

    I wouldn't use highly limited master keys for that. Quests can be completed lately no need to rush them. Brownstone flats actually are the best way to complete that particular quest :).
    all big(build hardly with more things)
    give moreeeeeeeee....
  10. Cotewa

    Cotewa User

    Drops seem to depend on the level. Below level 25, all buildings give drops, although the Prefab house only every 3rd to 5th circle. But everything with 2 timers upwards gives regularly (only exemption Urban Cottage that never gave regularly drops).
    From level 25 onwards, even long timer buildings don't drop regularly, and Prefabs don't give any at all.

    For the street boulders it's best to have as many streets as possible. It seems that boulders cover a specific percentage of streets when the quest starts.