Speakers corner Update

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by tassie-devil, Mar 24, 2016.

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  1. jelly999

    jelly999 User

    I'm so so so much happy!!:):) My joy knew no bounds to read my actual username "jelly999" here in the forum.:D:D
    Thank you !! thank you very very very much,s.c.lynx and other team members and members of support for solving my problem.
    You all are just FANTASTIC.

  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    jelly999 You are welcome and we are happy that things finally got fixed to your satisfaction. We enjoy helping people. I will miss joke999, long live jelly999. :D
  3. jelly999

    jelly999 User

    Don't miss joke because joke and jelly are the same .;)
    If you do, so..... change it again from jelly to joke. Hahaha !! I'm just joking.:D:D

    anoukjoris likes this.
  4. happy halloween everyone! collect as many sweets as you can.:)hahaha.:p
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