"Spotify" never rec'ed buildings:Only a $10-bill..

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by QueenVee, Dec 15, 2013.

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  1. QueenVee

    QueenVee User

    Happy Holidays..
    I am writing as I had followed the "Spotify"link and have I "Never" ahve received either the 2 spotify buildings, nor the 25 espressso???
    I had done everything that I was supposed to do, yet the ONly Thing that I have received :Is a $10- bill for a subscrition, that I had also cancelled, Prior to the 30 day trial. Yet , Nothing, with this "Spotify" Radio , have I received or even been "helped with..
    I can not "Be" the Only person of 6 milion plus players, who has had this problem.
    Please, help Me to receive these buildings or ask someone at Bigpoint.. to Give the 2 "Spotify" buildings to Me.Perhaps , they are able to do so by way of using My User-id .
    I so do hope that You can help Me with this. As I am so upset ,(dissappointed) that although I've done everything properly and I have never received "Nothing" promised ..Yet , $10 more is asked of Me.
    Once again, God Bless and Happy Holidays.. To All of the RC Mayors... Especially. to the moderators.. I thank you, for all of the Help that You give to all of "US" Players.. Thanks, for the giving of your valuable time , and for reading and listening to all of the complaints, especailly.. Have a great holiday season!

    All My Thanks... LadyVee aka QueenVee(Forum Name)

    User-id :LadyVee
    E-mail: at My Profile..
  2. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I am really sorry about this but for the record I too have never received this reward in my own private game.

    We have advised the provider and hope that they can fix this for everyone as many have reported the same issue.:(
  3. 81firefly

    81firefly User

    i to signed up today and have not received anything!! :(
  4. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    We hope this can be resolved soon.
  5. socallivin

    socallivin User

    Still not fixed. Maybe Bigpoint should take the offer off of the game site and in good faith give us the promised items.
    QueenVee likes this.
  6. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I have made the suggestion that the team remove this offer but I am low on the food chain of life so that is up to the powers in higher places.:rolleyes:
    QueenVee and minnharry1 like this.
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