STEMERE | ID 9613131

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by STEMERE, Mar 26, 2018.

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    STEMERE User

    STEMERE | ID 9613131


    Je ne peux plus ouvrir la partie de la ville qui correspond à la montagne, avec la neige. Le système tourne sans pouvoir ouvrir.
    Merci de votre intervention
  2. _Bosco_

    _Bosco_ User


    Try to go first t othe main field, and then to the mountain field.

    Try also to clear your browser cookies/cache

    PS : All posting in the forum must be English, with the exception of the alternate language sections.

    essaie tout d'abord de te connecter au plateau principal et de là d'aller vers la montagne.
    Essaie aussi de vider le cache et les cookies de ton navigateur internet.

    PS : Le langage sur ce forum est l'anglais. Tu dois donc poster en anglais excepté dans la section francophone.
  3. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    Profites en pour participer aux grands recensement francophone et au Top , tu trouveras les liens sous ma bannière ;)
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    STEMERE - I went into your game and reset the resources for you. This appears to have solved the problem. Let us know if the issue is solved, please. What appears to have happened is you closed the playfield while the computer and server were in the process of syncronizing each other. This created a data loop that would not let you access your mountain area.

    As noted by _Bosco_ All posting in the main forum must be in English, with the exceptions of the alternate language sections.