Stone Terrace needs!

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Inchikidana, May 22, 2019.

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  1. Hello!
    I buy 5xStone terrace,and I put them on the mountain,on the snow because that say the game...I make a SkyHut,to be sure that everything it's all right.But is not!
    Because that houses "Stone Terrace" needs Vegetable stand to grow up!
    Ok,I said and I make a new Vegetable stand.But the Vegetable stand do not go on the mountain!Nowhere!!!!Snow,mountain,or green,nowhere!
    Today I bought a new expansion (on the mountain) with the hope that maybe there,on the green mountain will go toghther Stone Terraces and Vegetable Stand.Fail!
    Well,I need help.
    It's my fault or something isn't go right in the game?

    ID 10129270
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Hello Inchikidana - You are correct that the vegetable stand are needed to fulfill the needs of the stone terrace. What has to be done is place the stone terrace at the "Southern" edge of the mountain section next to the green section (regular play areas) of the mountain extension. By lining up the stone terraces there and placing a vegetable stand in the green area next to the mountain area. You will be able to fulfill the needs of the stone terraces. Fortunately the stone terraces are the only residents with this combination of mountain base and regular support.

    Have fun building your city.
    Inchikidana likes this.
  3. Done!Thank you!♥
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    I am closing the thread at this time.
    Inchikidana likes this.
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