
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by greenchelonia, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. I ran out of asphalt building permits. I tried to use the paved squares that I unlocked and for some reason they won't link to the asphalt streets. How do I fix it? Do I need to get more building permits for the asphalt streets?
  2. nervo82

    nervo82 User

    You should be able to use any of the streets & squares (country lane, asphalt street, paved square etc) in any combination. Mine are certainly all mixed up.

    One event gives permits for asphalt streets (Circus level 15-50) if you want more of those.
  3. Well it doesn't seem to be working. I put the paved squares down and the asphalt street ends in a half circle. The cars can't go on it and any buildings placed next to the paved squares gets the no street circle above it.
  4. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    If you put them neck to neck they are supposed to work in any combination as nervo say.
    To speed up getting help post your game ID.
    The game ID is the number that shows up when you log into the game near your user like this:

  5. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Please clear your browser cache or log out switch off and go back to the game.

    They do all link normally.:)
  6. Thank you I will figure out my ID if the cache clearing doesn't work. I was just making sure there was actually a problem before I tried to troubleshoot.
  7. Idaliah

    Idaliah User

    as far as your ID is concerned. Easy way to find it is turn off full screen and look just above where you click to come here. It will be a light blue series of numbers just above the forum button.
  8. I found the ID. I've played other BP games. I figured it wouldn't be hard. It seems to be working. I don't have any "no street" circles over my houses. However, visually it still does not mesh with the other types of streets. I still show half circles with the other street squares that meet up with paved squares. ID 7497370
  9. Idaliah

    Idaliah User

    You can create a round about (traffic circle) type feature in your town by putting 2 street blocks side by side. Possibly you may have done this by mistake placing an intersection and not realized it at the time. To fix it remove the extra one and put it somewhere else or just destroy it if that was not your intention.
  10. I don't think this is what OP describes. Rather I believe he is talking about a display issue, where the new road doesn't connect properly with the old road making continuous road line but rather displays half circle at the connection side as if there was the end of the road.
    greenchelonia likes this.
  11. sirkeith

    sirkeith User

    Paved squares are not supposed to "mesh" with normal roads, the normal road will always stay rounded if it ends at a paved square.

    There are two types of road squares, some (the cheaper ones usually) are intended for only making roads and so join together as you'd expect.

    The others are for making roads and squares (paved areas), so do not modify their display when adjacent to other road squares. Try building a city square out of asphalt and you get the "roundabout" effect mentioned above.

    This means that it's possible to build, for example, a paved city square and lay a road alongside it. The road will be logically connected to the square (ie. it allows power across), but will not modify its display so will look separate.
  12. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Great replies everyone so thanks a lot for those, does the op need anything else before we close?.:)
  13. No I think that makes sense. I got all of the answers I needed. You may close NFQ.
  14. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Thanks for that, have fun and take care.:D:D:D
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