
Discussion in 'FAQs' started by -Wizz-, Nov 7, 2013.

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  1. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User


    Q: What is a sublevel?
    A: A sublevel is a division of a level, each level is divided into 5 equal sublevels

    Q: How can I see sublevels?
    A: The experience bar is now split into 5 cells


    Q: What happens when I complete a sublevel?
    A: Each sublevel will bring you 1 Shooting Star without any pop-up warning.

    With them you can obtain rewards consisting in CityCredits or MetroMoney or ProductionPoints or EducationPoints or Master Keys or Vitamin-X

    Q: Where can I find my Shooting Star Medals?
    A: Shooting star earned from sublevels are stored in your Warehouse in the Special Items Section.


    Q: Where can I use Shooting Star Medals?
    A: They are used in the Booster Pack Shop to redeem Comet Packs


    There are 3 types of Comet Packs:

    [​IMG] Comet Pack I - requires 1 Medal

    [​IMG] Comet Pack II - requires 3 Medals

    [​IMG] Comet Pack III - requires 6 Medals

    * Just the quantity of rewards will change between packs (1 reward per medal)
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