Sudden addition of over 11,000 Mood Loss Points

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by RebeccaSilverest, Jul 31, 2019.

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  1. I was down to single digits in Mood Loss Points. When I next checked my Mood Loss Points, I had over 11,000-. How is that even possible? What happened that made my mood points go up? I worked very hard (adding improvements) to get my mood loss so low. Please explain to me what I did, or is it some kind of computer problem? Thank you, Rebecca S.
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    RebeccaSilverest - I went into your account and everything appears to be normal you have over 11,000 Mood points. We can only guess that a problem in the system acted upon your account and has been repaired at higher level. Let us know if there are any additional issues.
  3. T.STARK

    T.STARK User

    At up the question - is it possible that game repaired itself???
    Last time I had a problem with mood level - it was down to zero and I couldn't get into the suburb map. When I have build up buiding in different map and mood level raised up, game stabilized and now is ok.
    I have never reqested a problem with that but I am affraid now that my mood level will raise up too much!
  4. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Sometimes the system has some "hiccups", and after that it's like it solves some problems, sometimes creates others...
  5. T.STARK

    T.STARK User

    It's true. When my mood level was close to zero I have build up new building in different map. I had problem with finish that and I used md (my mood level raised up then). When that buildig was finished sometimes I couldn't open describing menu of it. When I finished another building on map I couldn't login before my mood level raised up higher. When I destroyed it and rebuild the problem is gone.

    My advice for everybody who wants avoid problem with mood/energy levels: never go close to zero (don't use improvements making energy/mood levels lower anymore). When it is happend anyway, raise your mood/energy level above zero by building or building up something. The problem should be gone! Remember that lowest real value of mood/energy is 75% used of it!