~suggestion~1/2mm & 1/2 building materials

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by city8936, May 21, 2015.

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  1. city8936

    city8936 User

    sometimes i don't have all the MM needed to build my building right immediately but i do have half of it{mm} and half of the building materials.it would sure help me more faster sometimes i need it done right away{like city hall}.What do u think???
    Andrewjf likes this.
  2. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    Agree with your thoughts. Has been mentioned a few times. Similar to when your doing events ie: you can supply as much as you want to and you can use Metro Money to pay for the rest. Would be very useful at times and a potential $$ earner for BP.
    city8936 likes this.
  3. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Actually, this is why many players want the "X-Presso" put back into the game. It used to be a can of X-Presso would cut any wait time in half...and then another can cuts the time (again) in half. A few cans can whittle down a long wait very quickly; X-Presso was reasonably priced as well. Unfortunately, whether you immediately build with MM or immediately finish construction stages one at a time with MM, the cost is about the same. I understand that there are times when finishing construction faster is a need rather than a convenience. It would be nice to have a feature that let you split the costs between MM and materials...just not exactly sure how it would need to be set up to actually work. Am unsure how time required for any given stage equates with materials required, or if it's even a constant rate for each building (do two different buildings requiring the same amount of the same material for a construction stage require the same time to complete or different times). Interesting idea...wonder what the other players will say.
    city8936 likes this.
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    This has been proposed several times and let us do this again :) It would be very useful to be able to select how many building products and how many MM's to use in a phase of construction. For example need 1000 Bricks or 400 MM's. Warehouse has 500 bricks and 300 MM's. To be able to select say 500 bricks and 200 MM's to complete this phase. awesome. or how about 250 bricks and 300 MM's etc.

    Time required would be reduced by the percentage of MM's used. Since MM's are instant completion. If use MM's for 50% of cost then time would be cut by 50%. etc.
    Geflin likes this.
  5. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    i have taken the liberty of moving this thread to the update and idea area of the forum so it may get the notice it deserves. :)
    Andrewjf likes this.
  6. Krassandra

    Krassandra User

    I don't think it's good idea because it will overcomplicate the game mechanics.
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    You may be correct but never hurts to ask and never know we might get something we could use. :)
  8. Krassandra

    Krassandra User

    At the moment 90% of what we get is the implied asking for more profit :(
  9. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    The pro-rata "MM v's Requirement" mechanism is already in use during events. I don't think there is any logic for not having this option in the Building Upgrades. You might argue it encourages you to buy from the Market, or possibly just keep things at an even pace, but that makes little sense when you are given the option to upgrade immediately using MM's.
    Geflin likes this.
  10. Krassandra

    Krassandra User

    Since I'm against event "bribe" mechanism, I'm against this idea too... :oops:
  11. Geflin

    Geflin User

    This was kind of my observation....good idea but complicated as to mechanics. @billyjim...good suggestions regarding some of the mechanics, Sir Cat. @Krassandra..would love to see if you can come up with a way to simplify the required mechanics, because I think you could do that if you put your mind to it. There are times when I am very impressed with your intelligence. You see the inherent problem with the idea, can you see a way to fix it? Maybe a single option on the construction tab of "Reduce construction time/costs by applying MM" and a + box for amount of MM, with it then adjusting the materials and time required?
  12. Krassandra

    Krassandra User

    No chance.

    Yes, as a software developer developer I'm really experienced in interface design and can even develop, implement and test feature like this myself in less a day. There is just one little problem: any normal developer HATES :mad::mad::mad: when someone comes with his self-made schemes and start to teach what to do and how to do. He would consider only tasks come from project manager and do this task in a way HE finds necessary anyway.

    That's why I don't recommend users spend their time on "inventing" some features because nobody really need them in their original form...
  13. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    May as well shut down this part of the Forum then.
  14. Krassandra

    Krassandra User

    Depends on the developer strategy.
    a)If BP doesn't care of RC anymore, all we speak changes nothing. Of course they won't shut down this part of the forum. It will die with the game itself, when the income will become lower than server maintenance cost.
    b)If BP still cares of RC, "Update & Ideas" pool have sense. Although devs almost never take "inventions" as is, they often consider the concept behind the idea or the general players attention to some game elements. Maybe we even see some ideas "in work".
  15. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    Make up your mind Krassandra.... do we keep on doing..... or do we give up posting here and go and play something else when we hit Level 75?

    Getting way off topic once again :rolleyes:
  16. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I know users can suggest some crazy things, but again, devs don't think of everything.

    Now you're just contradicting yourself.

    I get what you mean, but still.
  17. Krassandra

    Krassandra User

    Oh no, RC is still a good game, no need to betray it ;)
    No contradiction o_O
  18. Geflin

    Geflin User

  19. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Personally I do not see the equation as being that complicated it is a simple ratio or percentage basis. Yes, I do not have to do the programing. But we do have this feature in several places in the game all ready: During events; As you complet a phase of construction the total number of MM's required to instant complete a building goes down. So the suggestion is not recreating the wheel, the system exists in the game and works very well. I am just suggesting an expansion to other situations.

    It would work like in the event situation you put in the materials you wish to use and the quantity of MM's for completion of the project would be reduced by the allocated percentage. When you pay the partial payment of MM's would reduce the time required the percentage paid. Then you would be on to the next stage of the upgrade.

    But as I said I do not have to design the algorythem and the actual code for this to happen. So I will now bare my chest for the sacrificial dagger from all of the programing experts to rip my heart out. o_O
    Geflin likes this.
  20. Geflin

    Geflin User

    And there you have it, a workable system. Thank you, Sir Cat.
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