Super Rent Collector

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by JonathanBredo, Mar 24, 2016.

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  1. Hey!
    I'm fairly new to this game, but I experienced feeling fooled, by the "Rent Collector"-feature. You still have to log in and click the button - I would've expected a "rent collector", to actually collect my rent automatticly.

    So my suggestion is; make a "super rent collector" (I expect it to be crazy expensive), that collects every rent as soon as it's available. Maybe, you could make it for a fixed amount of collections instead of a fixed time duration?

    Best regards,
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    This idea has been floated several times in the past. I found the rent collector did not become very useful till my city reached a certain size. Once you have a couple of hundred buildings to collect rent from it is a god send. But in my opinion it is way to costly for a beginer city to justify.

    Also if they automated the rent collector there would be less reason for you as a player to come to the site and click on the game.
  3. MisterN68

    MisterN68 User

    I wouldnt say that, there are still few reasons, it might though affect to your log in frequency. Main reason is that our commercial buildnings still have to be filled to satisfy our populations needs and also products have to be produced - unless they automatise the whole city, which is not the main point (I think) - I know there might be supporters to that idea.

    I dont yet vote for or against the suggested super rent collector, i need 1st to see its price tag ;).

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