task turn in fail

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by zreck, Mar 19, 2014.

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  1. zreck

    zreck User

    I cant get the reward from a task. Ive cleared cash and so (i think i manage).

    I really dont know what the task is called in Eng but its with 2 brickhouses and 80 bricks made....ofc ive done em both and both is checked as cleared but wont it wont trigger the reward. If u got time to look at it i wud be plzd

  2. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Is this brick in the wall quest I do need to know?.

    Failing that can you contact your own language support.
  3. zreck

    zreck User

    What the task is called in Eng i dont know...brick in the wall seams logic tho.
    As i dont have any support in my country....i feelt like Eng support is my only option.

  4. momEva

    momEva User

    What is your home language? Maybe someone here who is not in support can speak it and could at least help you translate?
  5. zreck

    zreck User

    Well....im swed and the q name is "tegel rim" wud make some like "tile rhyme".
    Thats the straigth translation...brick in the wall or mayby brick on the wall sounds more correct tho.

    Inside the task there is some text that cud be translate to "brick, brick on the wall" aka
    Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who Is the Fairest of Them All? :)

    Last edited: Mar 19, 2014
  6. momEva

    momEva User

    Not fluent enough in Swedish to help, sorry (Danish or perhaps Norwegien, maybe), but maybe someone else??????

    One suggestion... can you temporarily switch your language in the game, then copy the title and then switch it back? My game did that accidentally at one point, so I think it should be possible to do it on purpose.

    Or, maybe if you give the exact requirements (100 bricks, upgrade to second level, for example) someone could recognize the quest and give you the name? Or, for that matter, have you tried looking in the FAQs in English? You are obviously able to understand English reasonably, can you find the English title there?
    (Thinking about future possible issues as much as this one)
  7. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Hejsan (Hey) :)
    When you login, before you type your password, you can see a Swedish flag in upper right part of your screen. Click on it and scroll down to the US/English flag and select English.
    Login as normal and look up the quest name :)
    Logout and login again and you are back to Swedish.

    If your login page lock different use this one.
  8. zreck

    zreck User

    Turning page into Eng was a nice advice. I think ill keep it that way too....my understanding/talking is way better then spelling so its no issue to have it like that.

    So, what was the Task name.....Taaadaaa "Brick in the wall"
    Piratelee...go ahead and do ur magic thing :)

    BTW ty 4 all helping hands out there
  9. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Your quest is now complete and the reward is waiting for you to collect.

    Please note this is English support but we do have support in your own language.
  10. zreck

    zreck User

    Ty for sorting that out m8....

    Issue with support in my own language tho....if i press forum button ingame there is NO link to any support in Swe.
    Have a solution to that 2?

  11. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    In game in upper right corner there is a button with a "?" on it (named help(hjälp)), that's support. Don't ask me why its not named support.
    I assume that if you login with Swedish your support tickets will be directed to a Swedish support.
  12. zreck

    zreck User

    Hmm. I think sometings was mixed up now. Mayby my bad.
    When Lee pointed out that this was Eng support i thougth he refering to this forum.
    So i tried to tell him that there isnit any forum on Swe, or atleast no link when i use ingame button to get to forums.

    There is an ingame button to support(help) aswell, beside the ingame forum button.
    I havnt use it and have no clue if its to an Swe support or not.

    Making a ticket when u can do a post in a forum seams like waist of time, as more ppl can help 1 out in a forum, not only mods.

    So lets make this simple.....

    Is there an Swe forum?
    If there is ill use that ofc. If not can i use Eng forum or am i "to much work" for u guys/girls?
    Shud i use ingame ticket to sort this kind off probbs out?
    If so ill ofc do so, but will wounder why there is a forum!

  13. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    I can answer this and will leave the rest to PirateLee as I start to feel like I am stepping on his toes.
    There WAS a Swedish forum but not any longer, so no.
  14. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Apparently we have lost Swedish report which kind of explains why I am getting so many emails from Sweden.

    Tickets can be quite complex so it is hard to keep every language up all the time.
    I am fortunate that I speak four languages but Swedish is not one of them however we do have many friends here on the forum that can always help out and if all else fails we do have a Swedish person in development.
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