team rising cities here you have our wishes for the game

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by promaster302, Feb 19, 2015.

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  1. here can post what you wish to see in the game. the team (mods) can see what we all want in one place and they dont have to look at all the threads in ''update and idea pool'' and ''squeakers corner'' to see them and grant them too(hopefully).

    i will start:
    i wish to see transport in the game. (for more details see here:
    to see new buildings (for more details see here:
  2. I like transport ie: airport
    a library where you can check out manuals/boosts for production facilities ie: specialities

    tpaintdoc05 4657328
    NicFair2006 and promaster202 like this.
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Any of the multitude of ideas put forward in the forum over the last several years.
  4. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Ummm...#1 wish would be better communication from the producers/devs. Then there is the serious need for increased production capacity, some new events or at least prizes (wealth of ideas posted on these), and that would be #2 wish. I understand the time required to bring us changes and improvements (and here I say thank you for the few new events, play fields, mastery challenges, Level 4 upgrades, etc. we have received). Which brings us back to wish #1; what I would like most is for someone in a position to say "we have heard your ideas and requests and are doing______________about it" to actually communicate with us once in a while! Even if it's just a monthly post to say "Hi, Mayors, we saw some great ideas last month" so we know we are not being ignored.
    fred1471 likes this.
  5. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    You left a blank can I fill it in for you

    Geflin likes this.
  6. Geflin

    Geflin User

    OMG, laughing my feathers off! Sad thing is, I know a couple of guys that do programming, and between the three of us I bet we could run this game better. Sometimes I wonder whether or not BP really wants to make any money. I make $35/hr and love to relax with this game. Would be spending quite a bit more if there was anything worth buying (let me rephrase that...some of the stuff is worth buying but with all the bugs and frustrations in the way of enjoying, is it worth it?).
    billyjim likes this.
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I am with you if I knew the game was working better had better options, choices, and new features would spend much more money on the game then I do currently. But, as long as I feel that there is no response to numerous tries from the players to have the developers keep the game moving forward and improving. Why spend money. Such a sad state of affairs.
    Geflin likes this.
  8. Geflin

    Geflin User

    *tucks head under wing, cries into feathers* I know, right?
  9. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I curled up and wrapped the tail over the face and cried myself to sleep. Such a sad state of affairs.
  10. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    Woof woof, stop feeling sorry for yourself. Dry your eyes. You have choices put up with a company that won't talk to its customers or find another company that looks after its clients.
    I would love to spend money and make my game go faster but it is against my ethics
  11. nevadadoe

    nevadadoe User

    trains:having the option to put down train tracks the same as you put down grass..or have the ability to lay down lakes or rivers. monorails,buses..transportation basically etc an so on................. MALLS OR SHOPPING CENTERS
  12. Geflin

    Geflin User

    You know, the dog has a good point there. Tears for our poor dying RC will avail little. Though I must point out the desire to spend money is not mentioned for purposes of making the game go faster; I love taking my time, and am proud of what I have built. Was only saying if the developers want me to spend my money on game extras then the game basics need to be in order and their manner of doing business needs to be good instead of poor. Granted, my beef is more with communication because I have seen three new play fields and many other improvements over the last year or so. I know these things take time. But they should have known increased production need would go along with more fields, houses, and the Level 4 upgrades. A few new events, and a little revamping of prizes...but given the sheer volume of complaints (and suggestions) the responses seem woefully small. Just like the 6 hr rent collector bonus code for almost a month of log in issues and several events ruined by same. As Charlie Brown would say: Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh! By the way nevadadoe, like the mall/shopping center idea. Would love to consolidate say four commercial buildings in a 4x4 spot but get extended coverage in all directions (i.e. supermall). That would free up much needed space for residential buildings.
  13. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Oh so sorry should have labeled it as sarcasm, and for dramatic effect. Yes we do have a choice but have yet to find a building game that I like as much. When and if I do I will probably be gone. :(

    nevadadoe: These ideas have been suggested before but are worth mentioning again and again and again. I would love to see them included in the game. :D Great minds do think a like.
  14. skb13

    skb13 User

    Geflin: "But they should have known increased production need would go along with more fields".

    So, island playfield gets ranch and fishery, to provide for island style homes. Suburban playfield gets extra brickyard and brewery (no increased production there, no way), mountain playfield gets dairy and granite mine. And oh, several events have provided extra bakeries, so that some players now have 6, whereas they used to have 3. So that's only doubled the rolls/donuts production - hardly anything at all. I can see why you have reason to complain.
    Geflin likes this.
  15. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    @skb13 Except that it still isn't enough. Yes, coast/mountain-exclusive needs are easy to provide for, but the rest is impossible. Most of the new land is still just plain land, and many new homes still use farm/bakery/brewery goods, so yes, production needs would naturally scale. As long as I have been playing, back when rolls were 60cc or less, the bakery has never been sustainable or profitable. Six bakeries hasn't changed anything and the fact that not everyone can have them doesn't help, so actual production has not actually doubled. You can see for yourself that the prices have not changed. I try to undercut prices as much as I can without allowing others to profit from reselling, but it doesn't really do anything.

    The fact is, that from a gameplay perspective this deficiency makes half of the game elements useless, though it doesn't prevent it from being playable. You don't need commercial buildings at all from a certain point if you use certain buildings, and capitalists are mostly only useful in events and coast/mountain/mystery buildings (assuming you get the production facilities from them). Maybe it was designed like that, but that would be rather silly for a game like this in my opinion. There is no need to outgrow a skill (for lack of a better analogy) in this kind of game, as opposed to say, an RPG where one skill may only be useful for a certain portion of the game before you have to move on.

    I get that maybe you're tired of the negativity, and I know you think BP will address the game soon. I think they will eventually as well, but you can't ignore the math: it isn't possible. Unless you think spending thousands of units of real currency is actually reasonable, or perhaps if you only use buildings with long timers, which again, defeats some of the game. I think people have a pretty good reason to complain about it. In every way, it appears to either be a huge oversight or a shady cash-grab.
  16. skb13

    skb13 User

    You're right, I am tired of the negativity. I must admit I haven't tried rebuilding bread baskets since bakeries went up to 6 (I do have 2), but I made various choices as I've progressed in the game. The main difficulty I have now is land available. I have lots of permits that I just can't build (and some that I won't build). I still have one prefab, and one suburban home, so I'm not just after the long rent timers. Up until recently, I fed all my citizens as best I could, which included hefeweizen, raspberries, donuts, pilsner, island and mountain stuff. I agree that's not a lot, and I ought to put in a proviso that I don't feed my worker only homes at all (sorry workers) - they're probably revolting. I gave up, a long time ago to feed anyone tomatoes or chips, and although I did briefly build a pizza parlour and a gym, found that the return on these two commercials is pitiful.

    More recently still I got tired of filling all the commercials in my main city (first playfield). I have lots of CC, lots of PP and lots of EP. I still feed the island, suburb and mountain pf. At some stage, I might bulldoze my commercials in the main playfield but that just seems wrong. It would be nice to actually feed my citizens properly, but actually the process of clicking on commercial, clicking the ++ and moving on is (although much better than it used to be) a tad tedious.

    So what I really want from BP is another playfield to expand into, and a better way of filling commercials. Once filling commercials becomes a less arduous exercise then I might worry about production levels again, bring back the bread baskets, etc. But not until then.
    Andrewjf likes this.
  17. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Not saying they gave nothing, in fact I have often been the one to point out all the new things we did get over the past year or so. And I agree there has been some production increase; but keep in mind, the facilities you refer to also come with new land which means additional residents, so is not as much of an 'increase' as it is a 'maintaining current levels'. The issue starts with three play fields and new Level 4 upgrades, which massively increased overall city population potentials. I am not so much complaining regarding the configuration of production as I am the fact most of us have been asking for increases for over a year and the devs really have not said anything about it. Thank you Asuru, because you hit the nail right on the head and said this better than I could have.
  18. _joker1974

    _joker1974 User

    Any improvement to Balance. Meaning, if I recall correctly, the early levels are quite hard, going into your 20 / 30 levels it becomes easy, going into level 40 (I'm currently level 45) it all becomes way to hard.
    I won't bother to do all the math, but pretty much 90% of all houses I can't upgrade due to low production of building materials. I manage to upgrade 1 large flat per 2 months or so. This takes the fun out of the game.
    Food production stays far behind of your needs. For example bread requirements are already 700 per 1 collection round. That's already less than what I can produce with 6 bakeries. Then still donuts and pizzas need to be produced! Unless you're unemployed or a stay at home mom/dad, you can't produce all the needs with just 1x login per day.
    In short to the above: production output must increase to accommodate the needs, to bring the fun back. And don't say buy MM.
    I had a topic on the Dutch forums (sorry, I haven't read all the ideas on the English forums), but for example, a production multiplier based on PP (production points). 2x more output = xx% more PP (should be more than 2x, let's call it "working overtime" for your workers, so a 3x or 4x more PP factor). Or a 1 to 1 relation time needed + production output: you want to produce stones for 24 hours, means 8 times longer than a standard production run, so the output would be 8x 16 stones = 128 stones.
    Anyways, BP needs to do something!
  19. billyjim

    billyjim User

    joker1974 I like the idea it would be nice to set up and let it go to produce what you need with a multiplier. You need 1500 beams set a group of mills to produce that many beams in so many runs would be great.
  20. Geflin

    Geflin User

    They really ought to have a setup for players who can't log in all day long, I agree. Myself, I keep up but only because I'm a chronic insomniac and have my production running almost 24/7. I rarely miss a restarting time unless I'm not at home. Even so, I still would be falling short if all my available buildings were fully upgraded...much less if I built the houses I still have permits for. So if I can see a shortfall, imagine what about other players who get an hour or two a day (for example) to play? Bare minimum, production capacity needs to increase commensurate with potential population increases based on things the devs have added (fields, Level 4, more houses, etc.). At best they need to increase inclusive of needs of players who can't sit for hours on end every day playing. Either way, changes need making and badly so. Events are practically pointless once you've done them a dozen times or so. There have been many great ideas put forward by players here in the wonders if the devs are paying attention at all.
    billyjim likes this.
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