team rising cities here you have our wishes for the game

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by promaster302, Feb 19, 2015.

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  1. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I feel their pain. Spent more time in the air this week then on the ground for work. Geflin how do you birds do this. I am fortunate and could make up the shortfall with cc's. But felt the pain being stuck in a holding pattern over Mumbai for several hours with "Please, stow your electronic devices" and Soy Beans and Tofu dogs to collect for the Biker Ralley. "Argh" to quote my life coach Charlie Brown.
  2. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Well, first you feed your mice expresso beans and coffee....then you eat your mice. Insomnia is no fun, but since I'd be awake anyways, might as well be on the computer...playing/watching/working/doing school work. I bounce around quite a bit, but get a lot done. One of the reasons I was so honked off about the weeks of log in issues is it took away 25% or better of my night time "do to stay sane" stuff (since I am limited when everyone's asleep and must be quiet like a snack...umm, I mean mouse.
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    True, but they would not even let me power up the tablet and I had a flight attendent that made Nurse Ratchet look like an Angel. I swear she would have thrown me out the door at thirty thousand feet (ten thousand meters for the rest of the world). Did not need that after sixteen hours in a couch seat. I am lucky I can walk after four fifteen hour flights in one week. This feline is grounded for a good long while. :p

    Back on topic It would be nice to be able to automate production of materials in the manufacturing facilities. This could be a feature for upper level players or all players. Could be purchased with MMls or CC's, Set a total number of items to be produced and set the factory to go. The items would be automatically stored in the warehouse for the player to use at their discretion. This would help with the production issue and still require the player to interact with the game to use the products produced. Semi automation.

    For Example: Sunrise Loft upgrade to level 4 needs 4000 Beams, 2000 Wood paneling and 750 bricks. you could set up a Lumber mill to produce the beams you need, another to produce the Wood Paneling, and a brick yard to produce the bricks you need and let them go. When they complete the production runs over ten days later you would have everything you need to do the upgrade. Of course these numbers assume level 3 production facilities and not using them for anything else.
  4. minwang

    minwang User

    The street is really silent.They should have more traffic in the city.Road have more lanes and traffic lights.
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Actually the streets get more crowded as you are on line. Traffic signals would be interesting and more lanes interesting. But see lots of programing complesities involved. I still like the idea though I would like to be able to build a main boulevard
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