Teaser, teaser!

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by -Wizz-, May 26, 2014.

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  1. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    He's Wizz
    Daedalus89 likes this.
  2. Teaser 4/10

  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Teaser 3/10 looks like a ski lift, maybe? Maybe we are getting an Winter Olympic ski resort. Like Innsbruk or St Moritz.
    DIMITRICHMBERS likes this.
  4. :mad::mad::mad::mad:I NEED HELP !
  5. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    What sort of help?
    Do you need a doctor?

    If you need help with a game issue, try the "Help" section of the forum.
    Just an idea.
  6. Daedalus89

    Daedalus89 User

    The ground is snowy! :D:D:D Hopefully I will finally have the most suitable place to put the gingerbread house. I cannot get over how weird my gingerbread house looks on green turf or surrounded by grey streets.
    Hope you guys going to release matching new streets and paths for the new playfield too!
  7. Teaser 5/10:

    Last edited: May 31, 2014
  8. Teaser 6/10


    And, while I'm waiting for the mountain playfield, I bought something just in case that will fall more snow than usually:

    Last edited by moderator: Jun 2, 2014
  9. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Nice truck and plow. I remember shoveling by hand. My aching back. :D:rolleyes::eek:

    Okay hurry up next week, these little snippets of pictures have passed the tease level into the annoyance level. Not enough to figure out what we are looking at. :p
  10. Yeap. Even if it's not part of the game, this snow plow came in my 1:43rd scale collection this week, so I decided to post it here also!

    Well, I kinda stopped figuring out what these images are. Anyway, the new one looks like a parking place.
  11. billyjim

    billyjim User

    looks more like a balcony to me. Like on a ski chalet or lodge. I take that back I did not see the stripes.

    It is tough to be getting old :(
  12. Don't worry, be happy. :D :D :D

    If you go on a holiday for a week or so, the new play field will arrive exactly the same as if you worry about that all the time. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    I'm personally taking a great pleasure in ignoring most of their funny teasers. They can't tease me if I don't let them........... lol

    Errrrrrmmmmmmm ........... I heard something about a new playfield. Have you too? ? ? :p
    tpaintdoc05 likes this.
  13. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I know, I know. But, we have waited so long. Okay I will start my mantra, Omny Onny, Olny, Ommmmmmmmmmmmmm! There that did absolutely nothing to calm me down. :p:D

    Time to try the five year old response. Are we there yet, are we there yet? When will we be there, why is it taking so long, why can we not have it NOW? I want it now, not later? :confused::eek: Now look what happened you released the inner child, it will take me all weekend to get it back where it belongs. :oops:

    Oh that was your plan to get me doing something else and forget about the new play field. Nortoncommander you are a wise and devious fellow. :rolleyes: Thanks.

    Enough playing around. We still have four more teasers to go through. Before we get the new play field.
  14. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    Maybe bit longer if everything doesn't go to plan...which has been known to happen once or twice before.
  15. billyjim

    billyjim User

    MrMungo, Thanks, Nortoncommander just talked me to come off the ledge and you had to grease the window sill. lol :D:oops: I do not need the negative energy, please. I am hording MM's and CC'c and materials for the start of the new play field.


    I know that could happen, but let us hope not.
    Last edited: May 31, 2014
    -MrMungo- likes this.
  16. You are making me smile. :) Just think how much more MM and CC you will have if the playfield arrives later, and what a pleasure it will be to be able to build so much more there right from the start. :D :D :D

    Isn't it just a pleasure upon a pleasure? They can't beat us! We will always win. :D :D :D
  17. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I know! But, I am stunting the growth of my city waiting. I am always happy when I can make someone smile. :p
  18. Daedalus89

    Daedalus89 User

    Assuming the new playfield will be revealed after the teaser comes to the 10/10, and since it's looking like one new teaser is being released per day, so I'm assuming that the new playfield is 4-5 days away?
  19. as i dont assume as there is always a ass in that word, we could get lucky and have the new playfield available towards the end of next week, in the meantime i am saving a few cc and mm if i am lucky enough to see a movie in the cineplex
  20. Teaser 7/10


    Maybe a dam?