Teaser, teaser!

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by -Wizz-, May 26, 2014.

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  1. billyjim

    billyjim User

    That is life. We shall overcome. :( Wait this gives us a whole week more to speculate, complain, and whine. Yeah, break out the champagne, the good stuff now none of that cheap swill people. :D:D:p So enjoy the additional week my fellow mayors we have been reprieved. lol
    marylis likes this.
  2. Have I missed something? Can't find any anouncement with this information. :)
  3. DAVE111116

    DAVE111116 User

    i didn't see that message anywhere.
  4. marylis

    marylis User

    There was an announcement at another forum, it said that due to technical difficulties, they are not ready to introduce the new field, they apologise, but they will be a delay of one week. I didn't see the announcement in the english forum, I don't know why...

    I just checked the French forum also. They had the same announcement.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
  5. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    Sorry Billyjim!!!!!
  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    A whole additional week to anticapate, whine, complain, and bite my nails. :D I am in seventh heaven. :rolleyes: Also took the hoard of goodies I had been storing up and went on a building spree. ;) My city is changing before my eyes.

    Sorry about the prices in the marketplace. :confused: It is all my fault. :eek:

    I feel like a Lucy Riccardo pullin a fast one on Ricky. Where is Ethel Mertz. I just waiting for Ricky to come through the door saying "Lucy I'm home."
  7. I'm very patient. Like a crocodile resting in shallow muddy waters. Nothing can unsettle me. With hardly a wink I'm just lying in ambush, waiting for the pray to come near enough to deal it my deadly bite. :)
  8. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Nortoncommander good analogy.
  9. That's good, because next week i'll have more free time, so, i'll be able to make more changes (I think removing ERS might be another change). And I'll save up more CC for new plots !
  10. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

  11. Haha, says "due to bad weather" while it was sunny and warm all the time. :) They are starting to be nearly as funny as I am. :D :D :D
    marylis likes this.
  12. marylis

    marylis User

    someone was talking about nuclear winter yesterday...:D:D:D
  13. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    Wizz, am I right in assuming there will be no downtime this week?

    As for the 4th playfield, interested to see it but won't be doing too much with it till I've done a few more mastery upgrades and restocked my building warehouse.
  14. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Downtimes are not necessarily related to new game content. I can only assure you that if a scheduled downtime will occur this week it will not include the new playfield.
  15. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

  16. Hope I don't sound greedy..
    I just wish the new playfield will have space for brickyards. Notice the plural.
    I know we recently got one but a girl can hope
    MillerWrox and daniel23492 like this.
  17. marylis

    marylis User

    I would really really like a lumber mill. I have long way to level 65 to get a new permit and I can not produce beams fast enough.
    It also goes better with the mountain field :p
    daniel23492 likes this.
  18. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I agree with all of the above.

    I hope the chance of rain Tuesday and Wednesday does not delay the introduction of the new play field this week? :)
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2014
  19. I guess this apply for the downtime from tomorow, right?
  20. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Yup ;) We of little faith. :p