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Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by briansonder, Jun 29, 2016.

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  1. Når jeg klikker på min bygning kaldet Luksuriøs Campingvogn i Forstaden, derefter klikke på Start The Upgrade ..... sker der ingenting. (Jeg har den rette mængde penge til opgradering.)Og så er 2 af mine Hofbryggeri stoppet med at virke, Og til sidst er det galt med et Bageri, der ikke virker. Enhver hjælp ville være fantastisk. tak!;)
    Mvh briansonder 8725369
  2. G`day Brian, can you please translate your problem to English please :):)
    normally we just delete this post as this is a English only forum :oops:
  3. When I click on my building called Luxurious caravan in suburb, just click Start The Upgrade ..... nothing happens. (You have the right Amount of money two upgrade.) And then two of my Hofbryggeri stopped working, and Eventually it wrong with a Bakery att does not work.Any help would be great. thanks! Regards Brian evils 8725369 ;)

    Thanks again, to try to solve all the problems, but all the problems are still there. Help thanks

    Thanks again, two try two solve all the problems, but all the problems are still there. Help thanks. ID 87255369
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 1, 2016
  4. G`day Brian, I have re set your Game now, has this now resolved your problem :)
    I have also merged your posts, there is an edit button at the bottom of your posts and you can click on that
    if you need to add anything ;)
  5. HI Brian, I had similar problems as you have, once i had deleted my flash cookies and cleared the browser that i was using and rebooted my computer everything was all good with the game once more good luck
  6. Brian, has your issue been resolved :):)
  7. Til AF mine Hofbryggerier, virker ikke. Skærmen laser, when JEG trykker in dem og JEG will genstarte whole played forfra. Et of mine bagerier, has the same butik problem !!!. Kan jeg venlist help mig, Uden på nulstille mit Spils this bande. Det has JEG now Provet 3-4 Gange nu, and it is Lidt Surt på should Spille SIG op again. På advance sukkerærter TAK Mvh Briansonder Id 8725369
  8. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Briansonder Please remember this is the English forum. All posts need to be in English. So please repost in English. Thank you. Your questions might help others and not all players are able to do the translation. We need to see your original meaning. If you continue to post in other languages you could be given demerits which could lead to a ban to the forum.

    Since your problem is persisting please post a support ticket about your issues.

    Thank you.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016