Thank You for Easter And....

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Kiriana, Mar 28, 2015.

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  1. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    I just wanted to put out there a big THANK YOU to the devs and especially the mods...for the upcoming Easter event...and the new buildings and whatever other new features are being worked into that event...AND for all the other small telltale signs that the mods and devs have actually been listening to players' comments (and complaints). I always believe in speaking my mind, but I also believe in giving thanks and being grateful. I am also inviting all my fellow mayors to speak up and let the devs know how happy we are to be getting some new things. After all, if all they hear is griping, what motivation do they have for giving us anything at all? Let us remember this is a (mostly) free game (for us) but it costs them time and money to put it out for us. Thank you, BP/RC for this Easter surpise:D
  2. piche413

    piche413 User

    I totally agree with you Kiriana. A big Thank You to the dev's and mod's.
    captain123456 likes this.
  3. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I had not done the Easter event yet so it would be all new to me anyways....but I am grateful (given all the recent discussion regarding revamping events and rewards) that the devs have apparently taken our words to heart and are hard at work making this Easter's event different. It is very encouraging to see proof we are heard and that the devs do care. So will add my heartfelt thanks to BP for this special treat. As always, a big thank you to the mods as well; you do so much for us, and under hard circumstances too. You have the patience of saints, I say.
    captain123456 and honeywest like this.
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Yes, the little bit we have heard it sounds like a step in the right direction. Thank you BP. Can not wait to see the details. You have built up our hopes. Please do not disappoint.
    captain123456, Geflin and honeywest like this.
  5. nervo82

    nervo82 User

    The event does seem to have run into some difficulties already, so I will not comment on how good it is until it arrives.

    This is their business and I am not convinced repeating an annual event is any harder/more costly than the regular twice weekly ones.

    Very few still here from last year, I'm surprised they are changing the rewards. It may just be a rename of the Easter lodge (a la Chateau Amour/Rustic Villa).
    captain123456 likes this.
  6. i didint do the east event yet but if @strider_legs said ''Details to be announced....'' im sure they will change everything or some of them:D:);)
    captain123456 likes this.
  7. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I don't think they ran into 'difficulties'...I think they are making last minute changes and giving us new stuff because they have been listening to everything we have been saying recently. We shall see, of course. I for one will take the path of optimism:D
    captain123456, honeywest and Erica like this.
  8. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    I think the whole intent behind the delay is that they are trying not to "repeat"; granted I agree a different event would also be nice (St. Paddy's for example) but am happy to be getting this...and since I have never had the chance to do an Easter event I am happy:D
    captain123456 and honeywest like this.
  9. piche413

    piche413 User

    Where they seem to have combined 2 events they may need more time to ensure that there are no bugs in the game. That would be another thing to disappoint us mayors.
    captain123456 and billyjim like this.
  10. billyjim

    billyjim User

    A bug free special event would be a nice treat. ;)
    captain123456, honeywest and Kiriana like this.
  11. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    *grabs bug by antennae, slaps repeatedly* Yes, please, git rid o' the bugly-wugglies:oops:
    captain123456 and billyjim like this.
  12. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Stop giving away all of my secrets! :D May we all have an excellent experience on the Easter event.
    captain123456 and Erica like this.
  13. I am quite satisfied with things as well!@ Keep up the hard work guys!

  14. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    We get the opportunity of getting another bakery permit!! Woohoo!!! :D
    captain123456 likes this.
  15. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Just saying thanks again to the mods and devs; this year's Easter event (my first btw) was fun, and I like the new house you added. Keep up the good work indeed:D
    captain123456 likes this.
  16. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    Hi Geflin
    Have you completed your Easter Event already?
  17. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Baking bread at the 2 of 3. Only one stage to go after that. I burn through events fairly quick because I have (mostly) fully upgraded production, and because I'm an insomniac (in actual medical terms) so have the ability to be on a lot more hours than many others (so catch productions runs almost every time they are ending and start 'em right back up). So an 8 day event will take me 2-3 days at most, unless the production times flat out require more.:D
    captain123456 likes this.
  18. Thanks to the devs and the support of the mods for the great effort, that gave us the Easter event i have found this one very enjoyable all i have left is to collect beer and champers for the next few days for my mastery advancement :):):):)
    captain123456, Andrewjf and billyjim like this.
  19. piche413

    piche413 User

    Yes Thank You to the dev's and mod's for their great effort. I am also collecting beer and champagne. Building my much needed bakery as I am typing.
    captain123456 likes this.
  20. Good Evening,

    Thank you devs for the Easter event you did a good job :) I hope you consider my idea about a problem scenario also could you consider the summer event because people have posted about on my thread and I want you to consider it, it is a good idea for summer and I hope you consider it. You could change a few things on the games devs, just saying :)

    Your Sincerely,


    Captain123456 | ID 9168786
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