Thatched Lodge

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by bcore120, Aug 18, 2016.

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  1. bcore120

    bcore120 User

    Does anyone know the Level 3 and 4 Building supplies needed for the Thatched Lodge. This is the only building that I have run across that is blank in the Residential Buildings thread.

  2. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    if my notes are correct :)

    420.000 cc
    50 bricks
    250 cork
    500 panelling
    1000 cork
    500 roof tiles
    600 tiles

    470.000 cc
    200 bricks
    600 cork
    1000 panelling
    600 roof tiles
    600 tiles
    900 tiles
  3. bcore120

    bcore120 User

    Awesome, I am a couple weeks away from level 3 and just trying to get the supplies together.
  4. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    you're welcome.
    You can offcourse skip some steps by using MM
  5. bcore120

    bcore120 User

    Yeah, I sometimes use MM for the tiles since they take a day to produce and cost 11,000 or more a tile on the market. I try to keep enough MM for the 30 day rent collectors as that is the most valuable use to me with a pretty extensive town with lots of building on it.
    sams264227011a likes this.
  6. Thanks for your terrific reply Bigwillem :):)
    Bcore is there anything else that we can help you with on this topic;)
  7. bcore120

    bcore120 User

    Don't know if it would be possible to update the Thatched Lodge on the Residential thread under FAQ since it has this building listed but none of the requirements. This would make the information easily available to all.

    Other than that this answers my question and you can close the thread.

  8. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    We are glad we could help. Closing thread at this time
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